Page 412 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 412

IPS173 Tatiana Mosquera Yon et al.
                  sinking  transport  costs  and  the  improvement  of  information  technologies
                  have allowed companies to relocate their production activities to even more
                  remote places around the globe. This all has led to a steady growth in the
                  number  of  MNEs  which  in  turn  intensify  the  globalisation  process.  New
                  markets are created, new production chains being established leading to the
                  birth of new leaders. A well-known example is the global production of the I-
                  phone or the development of the digital market which led to the emergence
                  of new actors such as Apple, Amazon, or Google. Their economic development
                  relies on the possibilities offered by globalisation allowing them to grow faster
                  by reaching more customers and to offer more products.
                      The understanding of the global thinking of MNEs  - which are mainly
                  driven by tax minimisation and profit maximisation at a global level - is of
                  utmost importance for politicians today. An adequate statistical measurement
                  of MNEs induced international flows of capital, goods, services and intellectual
                  property is a prerequisite to assess the consequences of national economic
                  and  financial  policies  for  employment,  income  and  wealth.  Thus,  the
                  comprehensiveness of all statistics affected by MNE decisions like the Balance
                  of Payments (BoP), National Accounts (NA) and Business Statistics (BS) are
                  necessary to establish efficient economic, trade or fiscal policies.
                      Relevant  statistics  are  also  important  to  produce  more  sophisticated
                  indicators on globalisation, global value chain and international fragmentation
                  of the production process. To give the best information, these indicators need
                  to  be  produced  with  high  quality  data  that  can  only  be  compiled  if  the
                  contribution of MNEs is clearly identified.

                  Location of economic ownership in MNE-Groups
                      In  the  International  Monetary  Fund  (IMF)’s  sixth  edition  of  balance  of
                  payment manual (BPM6), the time of recording of transactions is based on the
                  change  of  ownership.  “The  change  of  economic  ownership  is  central  in
                  determining  the  time  of  recording  on  an  accrual  basis  for  transactions  in
                  goods, non-produced non-financial assets, and financial assets”  .
                      In the case of MNEs, the BPM6 specifies that “goods may move between
                  a parent and its branch abroad. In that case, possibilities exist that either the
                  goods have changed economic ownership or they may have been sent for
                  processing.  The  correct  statistical  treatment  is  to  identify  which  location
                  assumes the risks and rewards of ownership most strongly (e.g., from factors
                  such as whether the goods are included in the accounts, and which location is
                  responsible for subsequent sale of the goods)” .

                  2  Paragraph 3.41 of BPM6, p.55.
                  3  Paragraph 3.46 of BPM6, p 56.

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