Page 419 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 419

IPS173 Tatiana Mosquera Yon et al.
            question is: do these concepts are still able to reflect economic activities inside
            the economy and its international relations adequately?
                The  experience  made  with  the  cooperative  approach  between  the
            Deutsche  Bundesbank  and  the  Banque  de  France  turned  out  that  a  cross
            statistical approach combined with a cross-country approach could foster the
            understanding  of  MNE  activities  and  enable  compilers  to  measure  their
            activities  adequately  and  consistently  without  leaving  the  grounds  of  the
            existing concepts.
                The  insights  into  a  group's  operations,  in  its  international  production
            arrangements and internal pricing help to improve the statistical reporting of
            the MNE-Group members in a common and coherent way in all statistics. Even
            more, the work in the external work stream improved the understanding about
            statistical  needs  and  interdependencies  between  various  statistics  of  the
            responsible units in the group and it has fostered the internal communication
            between the group members in different countries.
                The work in “two work streams“ has eased the communication between
            the experts (rapid conclusions on conceptual issues and methods) on the one
            hand and talks with national group members (simple communication without
            language barriers, openness to admit mistakes) on the other hand.
                In  addition,  what  should  not  be  underestimated  for  the  future  work
            between all stakeholders is the confidence in each other combined with the
            will to improve the meaningfulness and therewith the overall quality of the
            statistics. However, even with an optimal cooperation between all stakeholders
            the process is very time consuming. From our experience at least two years
            are  needed  from  the  initial  start  to  a  fully  “harmonized”  reporting  in  all
                Currently Banque de France and Deutsche Bundesbank continue the work
            to  further  enhance  the  knowledge  on  global  production  arrangements  of
            MNEs and to fine-tune its cooperation approach. It is foreseen to share any
            new experiences with the statistical community in the upcoming months.

            1.  Ahmad, N; et al. (2017): Indicators on global value chains: A guide
                 for empirical work, OECD Statistics Working Papers, 2017/08, OECD
                 Publishing, Paris
            2.  International  Monetary  Fund  (2009):  Balance  of  Payments  and
                 International Investment Position Manual (BPM 6)
            3.  United  Nations  Economic  Commission  for  Europe  (2015):  Guide  to
                 Measuring Global Productio

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