Page 413 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 413

IPS173 Tatiana Mosquera Yon et al.
            For BoP compilers, it is a real challenge to identify which entity assumes risks
            and  rewards  in  an  MNE-Group.  It  requires  having  a  precise  and  complete
            knowledge of how the MNE is organized and operates.
                 Although the BPM6 gives in several paragraphs (e.g. paragraph 5.3) some
            guidance for compilers to identify the economic owner inside a group, the
            explanation of the concept of economic ownership versus legal ownership to
            their  MNEs’  correspondents  is  however  not  a  simple  and  often  time
            consuming task.
                 Once  this  definition  is  explained,  it  becomes  important  to  analyse  the
            organisation of MNEs to identify which entity assumes the risk and rewards.
            There may be several entities or just one, depending on how the MNEs is
            organised.  In  the  MNEs  involved  in  the  analysis,  the  identification  of  the
            economic owner of the produced goods and services was a challenge. Their
            very complex organisation and the multiple flows between the entities of the
            group did not allow an unambiguous identification of the economic owner,
            despite the characteristics given by the BPM6.
                 When  the  economic  owner  is  identified  inside  the  group,  it  can  have
            impact  on  BoP  compilation  since  goods  may  be  delivered  from  Germany,
            which is recorded in Foreign Trade Statistics (FTS), but sold by the economic
            owner  located  in  France.  Under  such  circumstances,  the  export  must  be
            reported in France outside the FTS source and to FTS in Germany, using a code
            which indicates that the goods are not owned by the exporter.
            Once these flows are clearly explained by the MNEs, it becomes relevant to
            share the information with colleagues from the counterpart countries to make
            sure that the flows are treated in the same way and reported symmetrically in
            FTS and BoP.

            Overview of the MNEs involved in the work stream
                 The structure of the MNEs involved in the analysis can be schematized as
            shown below (see illustration 1).

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