Page 416 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 416

IPS173 Tatiana Mosquera Yon et al.
                  institution/respective statistic and not aimed to design a coherent picture of
                  the  MNEs.  However,  this  stovepipe  approach  sometimes  leads  to  a  partial
                  comprehension of the MNEs organisation.
                     For example, one of the MNEs used the VAT number of one of its subsidiary
                  to report exports of goods from France to Germany to the custom authorities.
                  In  the  following  year,  this  MNE  decided  to  report  its  exports  under  its
                  headquarters’  VAT  number,  with  a  lower  value  of  the  exported  goods  (as
                  required by the conclusions of an  internal audit). For  NA, this change was
                  analysed as a major drop of exports of this subsidiary that was not completely
                  balanced inside the group. For BoP compilers, total exports of the group had
                  lowered. Thanks to the cross-checking of data with the custom authorities in
                  one of the “inter-institutional work stream”, the information of the change of
                  value and reporting agent was shared, giving sense to the reported data.
                     The international level of the inter-institutional work stream is aimed at
                  detecting differences in the treatment of cross border flows, to understand the
                  reasons  of  current  asymmetries,  clarifying  conceptual  and  methodological
                  issues to get a common view and selecting questions to be addressed to the
                  other work stream. In this work stream, experts can share their understanding
                  of  the  MNEs  organisation  developed  within  the  national  inter-institutional
                  work stream.
                     The common understanding of the organisation is a key element of the
                  international  inter-institutional  work  stream  to  solve  asymmetries.  Every
                  difference in the assessment of the production process can lead to different
                  customs/FTS codes (e.g. nature of transaction, partner country) reported by
                  the affiliates of an MNE in the countries involved.
                     Therefore, in order to get a correct reporting, statisticians and reporters
                  must  be  aware  not  only  of  the  conceptual  differences  i.e.  physical  flows
                  (customs oriented) and the concept of change of economic ownership (BoP
                  oriented) but also have to take into account the whole production chain even
                  if  it  takes  place  beyond  the  borders  of  their  own  statistical  territory.
                  Throughout the meetings, it was challenging for all the participants to put
                  together the pieces of the puzzle from the external work streams into a picture
                  on which a final decision could be taken, about how these transactions must
                  be recorded in the statistics to provide a consistent dataset.

                  The external work stream with MNEs
                     The external work stream with MNEs can only be successful if the MNEs
                  fully  agree  to  cooperate.  To  reach  this  level  of  cooperation,  it  is  really
                  important to communicate and explain what the problems are, how the MNEs
                  will be involved to help solving the problems and what is to be done when
                  solutions are found.

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