Page 455 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 455

IPS176 Thomas A. K.
            weighting, too. A transaction-based weighting which is often regarded as the
            first-best solution is currently not implementable because the data available
            on the number of non-residential transactions cannot be broken down to a
            sufficient degree.
                By disclosing the current data limits for CPPI compilation, the paper may
            be of interest for  those people who work  on establishing a  framework for
            enhancing  the  source  data  for  official  CPPI  measurement.  Given  that
            macroprudential  monitoring  demands  data  of  highest  quality,  this  is  the
            ultimate target and should be pursued consequently despite the short and
            medium-run  efforts  which  are  aimed  to  bridge  the  information  gap  with
            pragmatic intermediate solutions.

            1.  Deutsche Bundesbank (2013).  Commercial property prices in Germany:
                 conceptual considerations and statistical status quo, Monthly Report, May
                 2013, 53-55.
            2.  Diewert.  W.  E.  &  Shimizu  C.  (2015).  A  conceptual  framework  for
                 commercial  property  price  indexes.  Journal  of  Statistical  Science  and
                 Application 3, 9-10, 131-152.
            3.  ESRB  (2016).  Recommendation  of  the  European  Systemic  Board  on
                 closing real estate data gaps (ESRB/2016/14). 31 October 2016.
            4.  Eurostat (2017). Commercial property price indicators: sources, methods
                 and issues. 2017 edition. Publication Service of the European Union.
            5.  Knetsch. T. A. Schlitzer C. & Triebskorn E. (2019). The rationale behind a
                 multi-indicator approach to real estate price analysis. Mimeo.

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