Page 458 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 458

IPS177 Sayako K. M. et al.
                  2.2 Estimation Method
                      The primary challenge in compiling issuance data in securities statistics is
                  the data constraints to compiling a breakdown of debt securities by currency,
                  maturity, interest rate, and market. The key inputs to compile the DGI-2 debt
                  securities are FFA and its intermediate data, but they have no information on
                  the disaggregated data of debt securities.
                      The  new  data  sources  for  debt  securities  broken  down  by  currency,
                  maturity,  interest  rate,  and  market  differ  according  to  the  type  of  debt
                  security . There are primarily three types of new data sources:
                  (1) microdata on domestic debt securities excluding government bonds, those
                  with description of issuer name, currency, total amount, type of interest rate,
                  interest rate payment date, date of issue, redemption date, etc. from the Japan
                  Securities Depository Center, Incorporated, (JASDEC ); (2) two sets of survey
                  data on (a) government bonds provided by the Ministry of Finance Japan, and
                  (b) monetary claims entrusted with trust banks; and (3) disaggregated data
                  from  the  BIS  international  debt  securities  statistics  (IDSS)  and  private  data
                  vendors on the debt securities issued by residents in the international market.
                      The remaining section explains the estimation methods used to compile
                  (1) the total outstanding amount of debt securities at nominal values and (2)
                  debt securities broken down by currency, maturity, and interest rate. These are
                  estimated separately by type of debt securities as follows: (2)-1 debt securities
                  issued by residents in the domestic market; and (2)-2 debt securities issued by
                  residents in the international market. The methodology is explained below.
                      (1) Total outstanding amount at nominal values
                      The  total  outstanding  amount  at  nominal  values  issued  by  respective
                      economic sector are recorded based on intermediate data used in the
                      compilation of the FFA. These intermediate data are basically compiled
                      with the data sources from the financial statements, aggregated data of
                      government bonds, etc. recorded at nominal basis in principle.
                      (2) Debt securities by currency, maturity, and interest rate
                      (2)-1 Debt securities issued by residents in the domestic market
                         With  regard  to  debt  securities  issued  by  residents  in  the  domestic
                      market,  the  breakdown  by  currency,  maturity,  and  interest  rate  are

                  4  The debt securities are described in the international guidelines ("System of National Accounts
                  2008" and "Handbook on Securities Statistics") as "debt securities are negotiable instruments
                  serving  as  evidence  of  a  debt.  They  include  bills,  bonds,  negotiable  certificates  of  deposit,
                  commercial paper, debentures, asset backed securities, and similar instruments normally traded
                  in the financial markets." In accordance with the international guidelines, the BOJ classifies the
                  following FFA transaction items into the debt securities of the DGI-2 template: treasury discount
                  bills;  central  government  securities  and  FILP  Bonds;  local  government  securities;  public
                  corporation  securities;  bank  debentures;  industrial  securities;  external  securities  issued  by
                  residents; commercial paper; trust beneficiary rights; and structured-financing instruments.
                  5  JASDEC is the central securities depository in Japan.
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