Page 257 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 257

IPS236 Ksenija D. et al.
            countries with Germany and United Kingdom, all clustered within the separate
            cluster,  as  the  absolute  European  leaders  regarding  the  Digital  Society
            indicator and Percentage of persons who order goods and services online,
            while the South-East European (SEE) countries, being similar, were clustered,
            as  those  at  the  end  of  the  queue.  Here  recognized  differently  developed
            clusters of countries, with different percentages of individuals for YIntOrderGoods,
            and X3_DigitalSkill, variables taken as examples for digitalisation and globalisation,
            have also different communication habits of their NSAs. Activities of the NSAs
            should be studied with the goal to standardize their communication, to be
            better  fitted  into  the  global  digitalised  World,  by  communicating  over  the
            common platform, fulfilling their activities’ goals.

            Globalisation;  Digital  Skills;  Hierarchical  clustering;  Statistical  societies;

            1.  Introduction
                Purpose of this study is to recognize statistical societies’ role and acting
            opportunities in the era of digitalisation and globalisation, based on digital
            related  variables  research  findings.  Since  the  overall  present  digitalization
            initiates changes in lives of people in all the societies and creates a growth of
            economies  in  countries  all  over  the  World,  it  is  considered  as  the  natural
            component of our reality. In this research, selected indicators, which influence
            the main variable under study, Percentage of individuals who use the internet
            for ordering goods or services (Y2017IntOrderGoods), which increased for EU-28 from
            30% in 2007 to 60% in 2018, were analysed. Among several considered, one
            Digital Society related indicator, called Percentage of individuals who have
            basic or above basic overall digital skills (X3_DigitalSkill), showed to be positively
            correlated, with the strongest positive influence on the main variable under
            study. Three indicators, with fully available data, are included for correlation
            and regression analysis: GDP per capita in PPS, Index, EU-28=100; Percentage
            of households who have internet access at home, for the population aged 16
            to 74; and Percentage of individuals aged 16-74, who have basic or above
            basic  overall  digital  skills.  Since  the  descriptive  exploration  found  that  the
            Luxembourg’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in PPS, X1_GDPpcPPS, has
            been an extremely high outlier, the further analyses with 31 countries for 2017
            were performed: the 27 countries of EU-28, Montenegro, FYR of Macedonia,
            Serbia and Turkey. The authors studied mutual interaction of the variables with
            correlation,  regression  and  cluster  analysis  in  2017.  Dumičić,  Žmuk  &
            Novkovska (2017) performed regression analysis of e-commerce, focusing the
            selected  EU  candidates  and  the  EU  countries.  Further,  Dumičić,  Žmuk  &
            Mihajlović (2017)  executed  profile  analysis  of  clustered  European  countries

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