Page 35 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 35

IPS178 Barend de Beer

                            Stakeholder engagement throughout the
                         statistical value chain – views from South Africa
                                          Barend de Beer
                                       South African Reserve Bank

            The global financial crisis led to a critical reassessment of the role of central
            banks and their impact on domestic and international financial markets. This
            reassessment includes a wide range of functions, one of which is central banks’
            increased contribution to the compilation of macroeconomic statistics within
            national  statistical  frameworks.  The  demand  for  statistics  from  national
            statistical agencies and central banks has also increased with a renewed focus
            on the variety of macroeconomic statistics, methodological foundation and
            quality of statistical output. It has therefore become imperative for central
            banks  to  continually  reassess  their  macroeconomic  statistics  compilation
            framework  to  meet  these  requirements  and  to  maintain  international  best
            practice.  An  important  component  of  this  is  the  stakeholder  engagement
            framework. This relates to the management of stakeholders throughout the
            value chain of the statistics compilation process from respondent to end users.
            Such  a  framework  has  three  distinct  but  interrelated  components.  Firstly,
            communication with various respondents from which input data is sourced
            and secondly stakeholders within the compilation process. The third, relates
            to  diversified  communication  strategies  for  the  different  user  groups.  The
            Economic Statistics Division of the South African Reserve Bank is in the midst
            of an assessment and extension of its macroeconomic statistics compilation
            function and the reshaping where necessary of its stakeholder engagement
            framework. This paper explores a possible statistics stakeholder engagement
            framework  to  address  this  component  of  the  Banks’  statistics  compilation

            Statistics; National Statistics Framework; Stakeholder engagement framework;

            1  The views expressed in this paper are those of the author and not that of the South African
            Reserve Bank.

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