Page 470 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 470

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.

                              A view on 50 years of life of the ISI: (With a focus
                                    on ISI relations with official statistics)
                                               Jean-Louis BODIN
                          Statistical Consultant, Inspecteur Général de lNSEE Honoraire, Paris, France

                  The author is an official statistician. The first ISI Congress he attended was the
                  37  Session in London in 1969 and he missed only two congresses during
                  these 50 years. The paper is based on his participation to the life of the ISI
                  during these 50 years and mostly focuses on its role in the domain of official
                  When ISI was created at the end of the 19  century, most of its objectives were
                  oriented  towards  what  is  called  today  official  statistics:  international
                  comparisons, development of classifications, population censuses. This role
                  played by ISI changed when the League of Nations (SDN) was created in 1920
                  and  especially  after  the  creation  of  the  United  Nations  in  1946,  when  a
                  statistical  division  was  created  at  the  UN  Headquarters.  So  ISI  had  to find
                  specific ways to continue to have official statisticians as members. The paper
                  will present some issues that have marked the life of the ISI for the past few

                     ·   Creation  of  some  sections  (now  associations)  dealing  with  some
                         aspects of official statistics: IASS in 1973 (surveys), IAOS in 1985 and
                         Irving Fisher Committee in 1997 (central banks statistics)
                     ·   Declaration on professional ethics in 1985 and creation of the Advisory
                         Board on Ethics in 2010. Defense of the integrity of statistics.
                     ·   Contribution of the ISI to drafting the UN Declaration on Fundamental
                         Principles of Official Statistics in 1991.
                     ·   Strengthening statistical capacities in developing countries.
                     ·   Role of statistics in the Data Revolution

                  History; official statistics; professional ethics; strengthening capacities

                  1.  Introduction
                     This paper does not claim to be a history of statistics, nor even a detailed
                  history of  ISI.    It  is  only  the  testimony  of  an  official  statistician  who  has

                  1  See some historical references at the end of the paper [1] [2] [3]

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