Page 469 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 469

IPS320 Wissanee P. et al.
            autonomy  in  production  may  yield  contextual  information  to  help  in
            determining dependent contractor status.
               Additional questions for those who do not control price might include:
               -    Do you sell your production to one customer? If more than one, how
                    many customers?

               -    Who  do  you  sell  your  production  to?  (Options  are:  Other
                    farmer/producer;  warehouse  company;  distributor;  retailer  or  other
                    appropriate categories)
               Additional questions for those working in agriculture who receive supplies
            or instructions from others and do not control price, and could be Dependent
            Contractors include:
               -    Do you choose the specific variety of the agricultural product you grow
                    (e.g. variety of rice, wheat, legume)? Or does the person or entity that
                    provides supplies or instructions choose the variety you produce?
               -    Another possible question is: Do you decide how much of your land to
                    cultivate for [specific crop]?
               Such contextual variables would enable a more accurate characterization of
            dependency of own-account operators in Agriculture. A further improvement
            to  explore  may  be  to  split  the  question  about  “receiving  supplies  or
            instructions from another company/agent/contractor or customer” into two
            separate questions: A questions about “receiving supplies” and another about
            “receiving  instructions.”  This  may  elicit  further  clarification  on  the  type  of
            operational dependency  that  is  relevant  in  different  types  of  work  activity,
            particularly for comparing Non-agricultural and Agricultural work.

            1.  Carré, Françoise, Michael Frosch, Wissanee Poonsab, and Joann Vanek,
                 (2018). “Thailand 2017 LFS – Highlights of findings from testing of
                 Dependent Contractors,” August.
            2.  ILO Statistics, (2018). 20th ICLS Room Document 10. Testing of proposals
                 for a revised International Classification of Status in Employment.
                 Geneva, Switzerland, October 10-19.
            3.  20th ICLS. (2018) Resolution Concerning Statistics on Work
                 Relationships. October 17.
                 statisticians/20/WCMS 647343/lang--en/index.htm

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