Page 471 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 471

IPS355 Jean-Louis B.
            participated in the activities and life of our Institute since its 37 session held
            in  London  in  1969  and  has  contributed  more  or  less  actively  to  all  our
            congresses since the 40 session held in Warsaw in 1975. We are in 2019 and
            the years ending in 9 have all been especially important for the author: 2019
            is the fiftieth anniversary of his first participation in a session of the ISI, the
            fortieth anniversary of his election as an elected member of the ISI, the thirtieth
            anniversary of the beginning of his term as IAOS President and the twentieth
            anniversary of the beginning of his term as President of the ISI.
               This paper mostly focuses on role of ISI in the domain of official statistics.
            It  will  first  describe  the  main  events  that  occurred  during  the  historical
            relations between official statistics and ISI until 1969. Then it will present some
            issues that have marked the life of the ISI for the past five decades in the
            domain of official statistics.

            2.  A brief history of the ISI and its relations with official statistics [1] [2]
                The ISI was formally established in June 1885 during the Jubilee of the
            Statistical Society of London and the 25  anniversary of the Paris Statistical
            Society with the participation of about twenty countries, almost all European
            and North-American. Prof. Franz von Neumann-Spallart (Austria) presented on
            this  occasion  a  paper  sketching  a  plan  for  an  international  statistical
            association. But in fact this creation was only a logical continuation of the
            holding  of  the  nine  International  Statistical  Congresses  (ISC)  organized
            between 1853 and 1876  in European cities. The first of these conferences was
            held in Brussels following an initiative taken by Adolphe Quételet (Belgium)
            and Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, during the Universal Exhibition
            organized in London two years earlier. When ISC and ISI were created, most
            of their objectives were oriented towards what is called today official statistics:
            international  comparisons,  development  of  classifications,  population
            censuses... In his opening address of the 4  ISC held in London in 1860 Prince
            Albert stated that “these congresses pave the way to an agreement among
            different  governments  and  nations  to  follow  up  common  inquiries,  in  a

            2  The name of the World Statistical Congresses of the ISI were “ISI Sessions” until the revision
            of the Statutes adopted during the 58 ISI session held in Dublin in 2011. The 59 ISI session
            held in Hong-Kong in 2013 was therefore the first WSC of the new era.
            3  The 37 ISI Session was inaugurated by Sir Harold Wilson, UK Prime Minister. During his
            speech, he reminded that he was Director of Economics and Statistics at the Ministry of Fuel
            and Power in 1943–1944 before his first election at the Commons (1946). Later, he was elected
            as the President of the Royal Statistical Society (1972-73).
            4  No congress was organized between 1876 and 1885 because Germany and Prussia, which
            were not happy with the way in which the Permanent Commission of the ISC managed them,
            refused to participate in any international statistical conference. That was probably more a
            political disagreement than a technical one.
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