Page 82 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 82

IPS184 Kimiaki S. et al.
                  banks, while the share is almost 0 percent for the rest of the banks as of end-
                  June 2018. These results suggest that almost all of the positions of the trust
                  banks are held on a trust-account basis, whereas the positions of the rest of
                  the banks are almost entirely on a banking-account basis (Chart 1). In what
                  follows,  the  figures  reported  by   [Chart 1] Illustration of the figures of the

                  trust banks are used as estimates               reporting banks
                  of  the  positions  held  on  a  trust-  Banking accounts
                  account basis. Likewise, the figures   Trust accounts
                  reported  by  the  rest  of  the
                  reporting  banks  are  treated  as
                  estimates of the banking-account-
                  based positions in this paper.
                      Examining external claims and          <All reporting banks> <Trust banks> <Rest of the banks >
                  liabilities  in  the  LBS  with  a     [Chart 2] External claims and liabilities of
                  breakdown of trustaccount-   and               Japanese banks (LBS)
                  banking-account-based      figures   5
                  defined  above  (Chart  2),  the       4   Trust accounts     ↑ Claims
                                                             Banking accounts
                  trustaccount  basis  accounts  for   3

                  more  or  less  half  of  all  external  2
                  claims.  Meanwhile,  thebanking-       1
                  account-based  figures  have  large     0

                  shares in external liabilities.  This can  -1

                  be  explained  by  the  following  -2                         ↓ Liabilities
                  characteristics  of  the  reporting        10       11       12       13       14       15        16       17       18
                  banks’ activities over trust-account-   Note: The figures are adjusted for exchange
                                                             rate  fluctuations  (to  remove  the
                  based positions. First, many of them       impacts  of  foreign  exchange  rate
                  receive   funds   from    domestic         changes,   outstanding   amounts
                  investors  such as pension funds and       denominated in major currencies other
                  trust funds in Japanese yen, where         than  U.S.  dollar  <Japanese  yen,  euro,
                                                             British  pound,  and  Swiss  franc>  are
                  such  positions  are  not  included  in    converted into U.S. dollar based on the
                  the LBS since they are liabilities vis-    exchange rates as of end-2017). Latest
                  à-vis  residents  denominated  in          data as at end-June 2018.
                  Japanese  yen.  Second,  such  banks
                  invest those funds in foreign assets, which are to be reported in the LBS since
                  they  are  claims  vis-à-vis  non-residents.  On  a  trust-account  basis,  the
                  outstanding  amount  of  external  liabilities  is  therefore  considered  to  be
                  statistically small relative to those of external claims.

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