Page 85 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 85

IPS184 Kimiaki S. et al.
            that, while the shares of claims vis-
            à-vis  the  United  States  held  by   [Chart 7] Counterparty country and
            French and German banks are 27        region composition of foreign claims
            percent     and    31    percent,                   (CBS)
            respectively, the claims vis-à-vis
            the  United  Kingdom  held  by
            Spanish  banks  account  for  32
            percent of their foreign claims.
                 Third, determining an estimate
            of    currency   composition    of
            consolidated-based foreign claims
            with  the  use  of  the  LBS  and  the
            CBS   (Chart  8),  U.S.  dollar-
            denominated claims account for a
            large share – making up about 60      Notes: 1. The figures are as of end-March
            percent – of the foreign claims held                   2018.
            by  Japanese  banks,  reflecting  the               2. Ultimate risk basis.
                                                              3. "Asia and Pacific" and "Latin America
            high share of claims held by French                    and Caribbean" cover only
            and  German  banks.  Meanwhile,  it                    developing countries located in
            show  that  the  share  of  residual                    corresponding regions.
            currencies – referred to as “Other”   Source: BIS; BOJ.
            – is relatively high in the currency      [Chart 8] Currency composition of

            composition  of  Spanish  banks.            foreign claims (LBS, CBS)
            These  currencies  are  considered
            to be the local currencies of “Latin
            America  and  Carribbean,”  which
            are    the   main    counterparty
            countries of foreign claims held by
            Spanish banks. In this regard, from
            the  point  of  view  of  examining
            claims  denominated  in  non-local
            currencies,    euro-denominated
            claims are now excluded form the
            total  claims  held  by  French,
            German and Spanish banks. Our      Notes: 1. The figures are as of end-March
            findings  are  that  the  shares  of               2. JPY-denominated claims by German
            U.S.  dollar-denominated  claims                   banks are included in “Others.”
            in  their  foreign  claims  are  54               3. “Others” includes unallocated
            percent,  63  percent,  and  28                     currency.
            percent, respectively.             Source: BIS; BOJ.

                 Fourth, we examine aspects of U.S. dollar funding. As an application of the

            IBS, the differential between U.S. dollar-denominated claims and liabilities is

                                                                72 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90