Page 90 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 2
P. 90

IPS184 Ivette F. et al.
                      This paper focuses on disseminating the methodology and measurement
                  of the FWTW and explaining the content and scope of this information. The
                  presentation of the results is accompanied by a networking visualization tool,
                  which  allows  the  examination  of  interrelationships  using  charts  that
                  summarize the information contained in the matrices for outstanding amounts
                  in the main FWTW matrices.

                  2.  Methodology
                      In the measurement of NA-IS, the FWTW matrices or flows of funds are
                  implicitly  generated   and  they  are  a  tool  in  the  balancing  of  the  financial
                  accounts.  These  matrices  are  a  three-dimensional  representation  of  the
                  financial account defining the two parties to the transaction —the debtor and
                  the creditor— and the financial instrument involved. This information allows
                  to identify the financial relationships between institutional sectors, and thus it
                  improves the understanding of the role of financial flows in the economy.
                      In  general,  information  from  different  sources,  especially  financial
                  statements, is transformed into concepts of national accounts and grouped by
                  institutional  sector  and  in  the  different  transactions  that  make  up  the
                  integrated  framework  of  national  accounts  (current  account,  accumulation
                  account, financial account, and financial balances sheets).
                      In  particular,  financial  flows  (financial  account)  are  disaggregated  into
                  financial instruments, and in a large number of cases a counterparty of each
                  transaction can be defined. From these items, it is possible to identify “who” is
                  awarded a financial instrument, and “who” is providing this instrument, being
                  the  counterparty.  For  example,  the  mortgage  loans  granted  by  the  banks
                  correspond to information from the Banks sector, from the loans instrument
                  and the counterparty is Households.
                      Once the financial accounts have been compiled by institutional sectors,
                  an  inter-sectoral  balancing  process  begins  with  the  aim  of  ensuring
                  consistency  throughout  the  system.  In  the  balancing  process,  for  each
                  instrument an arbitration process is performed based on rules associated with
                  the hierarchy of information sources, generating the FWTW matrices:
                      A.  Currency: Considers the liabilities side of the Central Bank and the Rest
                         of the World, and the data are reconciled with the financial information
                         of the commercial banks and other sectors to measure the assets of
                         the Households.
                      B.  Deposits: Include liabilities of the Central Bank, commercial banks, and
                         the Rest of the World; savings accounts are allocated as a household
                         asset, while the remaining instruments in this category are determined

                    In varied literature, the term flow of funds is interchangeable with financial account. In this
                  paper these shall be differentiated, as in the System of National Accounts.
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