Page 141 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 141

STS474 Takaki S. et al.
            (Nelson (1991)), threshold GARCH models (Glosten, etal (1993)), GARCH in the
            mean models, and GJR-GARCH models are proposed.
                Univariate volatility models are generalized to multivariate cases in many
            ways. One important problem which multivariate volatility models contain is
            the curse of dimensionality. We estimate a conditional covariance matrix which

            has  (+1)  quantities for a n-dimensional time series in multivariate analysis.
            However it is difficult to estimate all quantities. Thus, we attempt to give a
            conditional covariance matrix some simple structures to reduce the number
            of  parameters.  There  are  many  ways  for  generalization.  For  example,
            exponentially  weighted  moving  average  models,  constant  conditional
            correlation models (Bollerslev (1990)), BEKK models (Engle and Kroner (1995)),
            orthogonal  GARCH  models  (Alexander  (2001)  ),  dynamic  conditional
            correlation  models  (Tse  and  Tsui  (2002)),  dynamic  orthogonal  component
            models, and factor GARCH models are proposed.
                The ideas of spatial econometrics have been applied to volatility models
            to reduce number of parameters in a covariance matrix and to extend the
            models  to  spatial  models  in  recent  years.  Caporin  and Paruolo  (2008)  and
            Borovkova and Lopuhaa (2012) have applied the ideas of spatial econometrics
            to time series multivariate GARCH models. Yan (2007) and Robinson (2009)
            have done spatial extensions of stochastic volatility models which are another
            kind of volatility models. Sato and Matsuda (2017, 2018) have extend time
            series GARCH models to spatial models.
                This paper contributes to extend GARCH models to spatiotemporal models
            for high dimensional financial time series which we call spatial autoregressive
            moving  average  models  with  generalized  autoregressive  conditional
            heteroskedasticity processes, namely SARMA-GARCH models by using spatial
            econometrics ideas.
                The model is characterized by a spatial weight matrix which express cross-
            section  correlations  between  assets  and  used  to  reduce  the  number  of
            parameters.  A  spatial  weight  matrix  is  usually  determined  by  geographical
            information  of  spatial  data.  However,  financial  data  doesn't  include
            geographical information, therefore we need to consider a method to make
            spatial weight matrix from financial data. Here, we apply the multiple linear
            regression model to return series of assets to calculate spatial weight matrices
            with stepwise model selection procedures for selecting subsets of explanatory
            variables in the regression model.
                Parameters  in  the  SARMA-GARCH  model  are  estimated  by  a  two  step
            procedure. First step is the estimation of spatial parameters and second step
            is the estimation of GARCH parameters. Spatial parameters which are scalar
            parameters reflecting the strength of spatial dependence between assets are
            estimated  in  first  step.  Conditional  variances  in  the  model  follows  GARCH

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