Page 142 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 142

STS474 Takaki S. et al.
                  processes  and  unconditional  variances  in  GARCH  processes  are  constant.
                  Therefore, we regard volatilities in the model as constant and apply the quasi-
                  maximum likelihood method with a spatial panel model with heterogeneous
                  constant variances. GARCH parameters are scalar parameters for specifying
                  volatility behaviors. We calculate residuals by fitting the spatial panel model in
                  first step after that we apply GARCH models with the residuals of each asset.
                     In real data analysis, We apply the SARMA-GARCH model to daily returns
                  of  the  S&P  500  stock  price  data.  We  compare  in-sample  and  out-sample
                  performances of the SARMA-GARCH model with those of CCC models which
                  is a multivariate volatility model and a baseline model in this study. First, we
                  check the in-sample performances based on log-likelihood. The results show
                  the log-likelihood of the CCC model is grater than that of the SARMA-GARCH
                  model. This means model  fitting of the CCC model is better than the SARMA-
                  GARCH model because the number of parameters in CCC models is more than
                  five times of those of SARMA-GARCH models. Secondly, we compare out-
                  sample performances by using the quasi-likelihood loss function. The result
                  shows  the  quasi-likelihood  loss  function  of  the  SARMA-GARCH  model  are
                  smaller  than  that  of  CCC  models.  Then,  the  out-sample  performance  of
                  SARMA-GARCH models is better. This is because the CCC model may be over-
                  fitting and it cause lower forecasting performances.
                     Moreover,  stock  prices  in  the  U.S.  market  are  volatile  and  correlation
                  structures between stocks may change over time, so the characteristic of the
                  SARMA-GARCH  model  which  is  that  the  model  can  capture  dynamic
                  correlation between assets may play an important role in analysis.
                     The  rest  of  paper  proceeds  as  follows.  Section  2  introduces  SARMA-
                  GARCH models. The estimation procedures are described in section 3. Section
                  4 examines empirical properties of SARMA-GARCH models by applying the
                  models to real data such as stock price in the U.S. market. Section 5 discusses
                  some concluding remarks.

                  2.  Methodology
                     Let  { },   =  1, … ,  and   =  1, … , ,  be  return  series  of  financial
                  instruments. We shall define SARMA-GARCH models to describe volatilities of
                  return series by
                                     =   +                                     (1)
                                   =   +                                       (2)
                                   =    ,                                          (3)
                                          , ,
                                   ~  . . (0,1),
                                   =   +   2  +   2  ,
                  where   = ( , … ,  ),  = ( , … ,  , ),  ,  is  volatility,   ,   is  an
                  independent and identically distributed (i.i.d) random variable with mean zero
                  and variance 1. The matrix W, n by n matrix, is called a spatial weight matrix
                                                                     131 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
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