Page 214 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 214

STS486 Tonio D.B. et al.
                     Thus,  some  restrictions  should  be  placed  on   ()  to  ensure  the
                  characteristics of diversity profiles. In the following, we adopt () to indicate
                  the constrained functional approximation of a generic diversity profile. It may
                  be represented as follows (Ramsay, 1998):
                                                         () =  +    −(−1)  exp  (∫ ())                                (3)
                  where   and   are  arbitrary  constants,  −1  means  taking  the  indefinite
                  integral, and w(x) is a Lebesgue square integrable function. Specifically, ()
                  is  the  solution  of  the  differential  equation  () = () −1 ().  It  is
                  straightforward to verify that for  = 1 the solution is a positive function, for
                   = 2 the solution is a  monotone  function and for  = 3 the solution is a
                  convex function. Since the function () is unconstrained, it can be expanded
                  in terms of K known basis functions as follows:
                                                                          () = ∑         ()                                     (4)
                  where   is  the  k-th  coefficient  which  defines  the  linear  combination  and
                   () is the k-th basis function. The main result of the transformation in Eq.
                  (3) is that we can overcome the problem of finding the constrained functional
                  () by estimating the unconstrained function () that, in what follows, we
                  shall term the unconstrained diversity profile. We point out that the function
                  ()  has  the  same  information  on  diversity  of  ()  and,  whenever  it  is
                  required, we can invert the transformation and go back to the constrained
                  diversity profile functions by putting the coefficients () in Eq. (3).
                     Once  the  functional  approximation  of  the  profile  has  been  obtained,
                  different functional tools can be computed to evaluate the biodiversity of a
                  community (Di Battista et al, 2016). Then, the assessment of uncertainty of an
                  obtained estimator is a fundamental step in all statistical analysis. In function
                  estimation problems, simultaneous confidence bands provide a unified set of
                  graphical and analytical tools to harness such tasks as data exploration, model
                  specification or validation, assessment of variability in estimation, prediction,
                  and inference (Di Battista and Fortuna, 2017). In FDA and particularly in an
                  ecological context, the bootstrap methodology turn out to be often the only
                  practical alternative to derive the sampling distribution of a functional statistic
                  (Cuevas et al., 2006). Effectively, the normality assumption could be too strong
                  for diversity profiles. For this reason, we extend the bootstrap methodology to
                  the framework of biodiversity assessment to build confidence intervals for the
                  mean diversity profile.
                     Let   (),  (), … ,  () be  the  sample  of  unconstrained  functions
                  derived from the original diversity profile observed in the i-th sites, i=1,2,...,n,
                  and  = ( (), … ,  ()) be the sample statistics under consideration. The
                  bootstrap  resamples  (), … ,  () are  calculated  following  the  following
                  scheme (Febrero-Bande and de la Fuente, 2012):
                                                                   () =  () + ()                                                             (5)
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