Page 216 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 216

STS486 Tonio D.B. et al.
                     Then, the functional approximation of the profiles is computed following
                  Eq. (3) and it is showed in Fig. 2.

                             Figure 2: Functional diversity Hill’s numbers of Lazio’s rivers

                     It is evident that the “Tevere” river is the most diverse because it is above
                  all other profiles and does not intersect with other curves. On the contrary, the
                  less diverse river is the “Ratto”, with only one species, followed by the “Quesa”
                  and  “Tronto”  with  two  species.  Regarding  the  other  rivers,  most  of  them
                  cannot  be  ranked  because  many  profiles  intersect.To  provide  a  summary
                  measure of the biodiversity in the considered region, the mean diversity profile
                  (solid black line in Figure 3) is computed. Figure 3 shows that, on average, the
                  stations present 10 different species. The same figure shows the bootstrap
                  simultaneous  confidence  bands  for  the  mean  estimator  of  level  1-=95%
                  (dotted red lines in Fig. 3). We note that, in the first part of the domain, there
                  is greater variability; this is due to the characteristics of the profile. Indeed, in
                  the second part of the domain, the profile tends to be very flat and the sample
                  curves become constant (Di Battista et al., 2016), hence the sample variance
                  tends to zero.

                    Figure 3: Functional diversity Hill’s numbers of Lazio’s rivers (solid grey lines) with
                   their functional mean (solid black line) and bootstrap confidence bands (dotted red
                                             lines) at level 1-=95%
                                                                     205 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219   220   221