Page 212 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 212

STS486 Tonio D.B. et al.
                  issue is given by diversity profiles. They are non-negative and convex curves,
                  which express diversity as a function of the relative abundance vector. They
                  provide a comfortable representation of diversity because they consider its
                  multivariate nature; return a graphical representation of diversity; and allow to
                  compare different communities when the profiles do not intersect. Thus, the
                  behaviour of these curves gives important information about biodiversity in a
                     In the literature, different diversity profiles have been proposed; the main
                  ones are the β diversity profile (Patil and Taillie, 1979), the intrinsic diversity
                  profile (Patil and Taillie, 1979), and the Hill's number Hill, 1973), among the
                  others. The formulation of a diversity profile can be generalized as follows:
                                                                      {∆ :  ∈ }                                                 (1)
                  where ∆  are various diversity measures obtained by varying x in the domain
                  ,which can be finite or infinite. The curve which joins the (, ∆ ) pairs for   ∈
                   is termed a diversity profile, and depicts in a single picture simultaneous
                  values of diversity measures with varying sensitivities to the rare and abundant
                  species as a function of the parameter x. Hence, a diversity profile measures
                  diversity through a curve rather than a scalar as in the case of diversity indexes.
                  This emphasizes the importance of using such an approach in environmental
                  studies as it does not collapse the information of a multidimensional set (the
                  biological community) into a single number (Gattone and Di Battista, 2009).
                     Due to these characteristics, Gattone and Di Battista (2009) proposed to
                  analyze them through the functional data analysis (FDA) approach (Ramsay
                  and  Silverman,  2005;  Ferraty  and  View,  2006).  The  latter  allows  to  obtain
                  several advantages in an ecological context. Indeed, we can analyze the shape
                  of the profile through functional tools (Di Battista et al., 2016, Maturo e Di
                  Battista,  2018)  and  evaluate  the  behaviour  of  the  profile  throughout  the
                  reference  domain.  The  functional  approach  is  particularly  helpful  when  an
                  inferential approach for biodiversity is required. Indeed, making inference on
                  diversity  profiles  starting  from  the  abundance  vector  with  standard
                  multivariate  prodedures,  involves  many  unresolved  issues.  The  solutions
                  proposed in the literature mainly concern the use of independent replications
                  of a sampling design (Barabesi and Fattorini, 1998) and the use of jackknife to
                  build confidence intervals for the diversity estimator (Fattorini and Marcheselli,
                  1999). However, in practice, replications of paths for a given sampling design
                  could be quite expensive and time consuming (Di Battista and Gattone, 2004),
                  and the jackknife requires that the elements of the frequencies vector are all
                  different from each other. Moreover, in some cases, the jackknife procedure
                  may  fail  to  return  a  convex  diversity  profile.  On  the  other  hand,  the  FDA
                  approach analyses the profile as a function; thus, for each sample unit, a single
                  observation is observed, overcoming problems of simultaneous multivariate
                  inference (Di Battista and Fortuna, 2017).

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