Page 229 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 229

STS486 Alessandro F. et al.
            2.  Data and notation
                We consider a  40 year temporal domain    = [1, … , ] with 12 hour
            time step starting from 1 Jan 1978 00:00UTC and ending 31 Dec 2017. The
            spatial  domain  is  denoted  by   = { … ,  }  representing  655  "good"
            stations  of  the  IGRA  network.  Altitude  of  measurements  is  expressed  in
            pressure level 925  ≥ ℎ  ≥ 50 ℎ.
                Let  (, , ℎ) denote the response process (e.g. temperature in Kelvin) and
            let the data be denoted by:
                                         ( ,  , ℎ ,, )                  (1)
                1.   = ( ,  ) ∈   are the coordinates of the  − ℎ station;
                2.    ∈   is time at 12ℎ scale;
                3.  ℎ ,,  = 1, … ,  ,  ≤    is altitude expressed in hPa ℎ  ∈ [925, 50].
                Let   =   () be the   dimensional vector of all data at time  and
            station    and let  = ( , … ,  )′ be the   dimensional vector of all data
            at time t, with  ,  = ∑    . For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that
            altitudes  are  time  invariant.  That  is  ,  = , ℎ ,,  = ℎ  and  dimensional
            vector. This is the case of the so-called mandatory levels.
                Eventually,  let  ;+  = ( , … ,  + )′ and  let  =  1:  be  the  full  dataset

            3.  A 4D Gaussian Process
                Consider the Gaussian process (GP) with 4D continuous index, given by
                       (, , ℎ) =   (, , ℎ) +  (, , ℎ)             (2)
            where   = (;  ) ∈ ℎ ℎ, ℎ  ∈ [925, 50] and let  = (, , ℎ).
                The data described in Equation (1) are observations at possibly non-regular
            time  points   ∈  ,  and  spatial  points  = { , … ,  } .  Hence,  using  the
             −dim vector  , the above equation is written as
                                              =  + 
            where ( ) =  and covariance function given by
                                                    4  | −  |
                     ((), ( )) =   (− ∑    ) + ( =  ) .
                                                    =1   ,
            The corresponding GP parameter set is  = (,  , … ,  ,  ,  ).
                Although the above setup is time invariant and defines a stationary GP, in
            the sequel, we assume local stationarity with respect to both space and time.

            4.  Recursive (local) estimation
                We consider a time interval Δ for local estimation, e.g. 30 days, and define
            the  Δ − periods  index  by    =  () =  1, … ,  .  If  Δ  is  constant,  and
            assuming   = Δ x  ,  we  have  () =   ( − 0 ) = 1, … .  Moreover,  let
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