Page 226 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 226
STS486 R. Ayesha A. et al.
can help mitigate model overfit. In the empirical analysis, the BIC associated
with the penalized and unpenalized models were similar, but the penalized
model was much simpler and could be explained from an ecological
Potential improvements to model selection consistency could be attained
by using an adjusted BIC. For example, Hui et al. (2015) suggest the extended
regularization information criteria (ERIC), a modification of the BIC, where the
model complexity term is also a function of ̃. Although we studied network
sizes motivated by ecological network sizes, extending the framework to the
high dimensional setting where K≫N likely only requires another modification
of the BIC, tailored specifically for the high dimensional case. Regardless,
regularized grouped DM regression is a useful tool for ecologists and can
provide insights into the functional traits driving species’ interactions.
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