Page 261 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 261

STS490 Riaan d.J.
            3.  What can we learn from the established subfields of data science?
                As stated before, statistics and operations research are two of the oldest
            subfields  in  data  science  and  many  practicing  statisticians  and  operations
            researchers consider themselves data scientists. What can we learn from these
            fields  that  could  help  us  in  training  the  data  scientists  of  the  future?
            Universities  all  over  the  world  have  largely  failed  to  deliver  professionally
            trained  graduates  in  the  fields  of  OR  and  statistics.  Although  well  trained
            academically, many newly appointed graduates find it difficult to immediately
            add value at their place of employment. Typically they lack  subject matter
            knowledge of the application field (e.g. finance or physics) and struggle with
            real-world  problem  solving  abilities,  such  as  the  formulation  of  messy
            problems,  meaningful  interaction  with  clients,  interrelationships  with  team
            members and business communication. Some students also lack numerical
            and data handling programming skills that are not addressed adequately in
            many curricula.
               Some  of  the  lessons  I  learnt  in  the  many  industry  projects  I  have  been
            involved in, include:
                 Always  focus  on  the  business  value  throughout  the  course  of  the
                 Involve all role-players and instil trust and confidence about your ability
                   as a consultant.
                 Manage  the  client’s  expectations,  communicate  clearly  and  pay
                   attention to fostering good interpersonal relationship skills.
                 Test the client’s understanding of his/her own problem and educate the
                   client when necessary.
                 Be sure that the problem to be solved is well formulated, because you
                   do not want to solve the wrong problem.
                 Always  be  cognisant of the  importance  of  simplicity  and  when  your
                   solution is very complicated, seek a simpler solution, if possible.
                 Do not be fixated on new untested technologies.
                 Solve the critical aspects that will determine eventual success, first.
                 Always revisit the scope and risks of the project and plan properly.
               How  do  we,  however,  train  students  to  ensure  that  they  become
            professional data scientists? This is not easy and will be addressed in the last

            4.  What should we teach aspiring data scientists?
                From  the  above  it  should  be  clear  that  a  training  programme  should
            include training in the following:
                  The mathematical and computational sciences: Topics could include
                   courses  in  statistical  and  probability  theory,  artificial  intelligence,
                   machine learning, operations research, and computer science.

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