Page 264 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 264

STS493 Irene S.

                                Advanced data collection – An outlook to the
                                                Irene Salemink
                                    Statistics Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands

                  The  demand  from  the  society  for  data-driven  fact-based  information
                  continues to rise. Technological possibilities and the increase of available and
                  usable  data  offers  possibilities  to  produce  this  fact-based  information.
                  Furthermore,  conventional  methods,  using  primary  data  collection,  would
                  increase the burden to the society and would be too time-consuming and
                  costly to satisfy that demand. The use of administrative data and sensor data
                  is a logical step towards the future. Statistical methods, legal frameworks and
                  technology are being developed to maximize the added value of these data
                  sources.  Consequently,  the  nature  of  primary  data  collection  for  official
                  statistics is bound to change. This paper gives an outlook to and a pathway
                  towards this future of hybrid data collection.

                  Administrative  data;  Hybrid  data  collection;  Adaptive  survey  design;
                  Integration by design; Metadata

                  1.  Introduction
                     In  general,  the  mission  of  National  Statistical  Offices  (NSO’s)  is  seen  as
                  provider of trusted official statistics often based on a mandatory program that
                  consists  of  a  set  of  consensus  indicators  describing  economic,  social  and
                  demographic phenomena in society. The awareness is growing that often these
                  phenomena are so complex that using a single indicator or a limited set of
                  indicators is not providing enough or accurate information anymore. Therefore,
                  alternative  ways  are  being  developed  to  provide  insight  in  these  complex
                  societal  phenomena.  Statistics  Netherlands  (CBS)  has  formulated  this  in  its
                  mission  as;  providing  insight  in  complex  societal  phenomena  by  delivering
                  “actionable  intelligence”  to  enable  evidence-based  policy  and  decision-
                  making.  With  the  objective  of  continuous  quantitative  monitoring  of
                  developments and progress with the required aggregation level and timeliness.
                     The  increasing  demand  from  the  society  for  data-driven  fact-based
                  information in combination with the fast evolving technological developments
                  causes great challenges for statisticians. At the same time they have to deal with
                  the reality of the ever-increasing difficulties to retrieve statistical data with the
                  traditional approach based on surveys. As very well illustrated in the essay by

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