Page 41 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 41

STS452 Nobuhiro O.

                         Extended input-output model for demographic
                         change – Preliminary application to the Chinese
                                        Nobuhiro Okamoto
                 Daito Bunka University, 560 Iwadono, Higashimatsuyama, Saitama, 355-8501, Japan

            China  carries  out  “Urbanisation”  as  an  economic  policy  which  intends  to
            concentrate people in the urban area and boost the whole economic growth
            on the basis of “Economy of Agglomeration” struggling with the pressure of
            “middle-income trap” or “new normal.” The research question here is about
            how the labour migration from rural areas to urban areas has an economic
            and  industrial  impact  on  the  Chinese  economy,  and  whether  or  not  the
            geographical change between space is truly beneficial for Chinese economic
            growth in the near future. To answer this question, this research develops the
            extend  input-output  model  based  on  the  previous  research  such  as  Batey
            (2018) and their other research, which focus on incorporating labour account
            with  Input-Output  model.  In  Batey  and  others’  original  model,  the  Input-
            Output model has been developed into the economic model with a household
            which takes account of immigrants from other regions, people who are out of
            work,  and  ordinary  labour  force.  This  study  develops  this  extended  Input-
            Output model for demographic change, in particular, change of population
            movements from villages to cities in China since the urbanisation process is
            seen as the continuous concentration of people in the certain areas, especially,
            cities. The study will illustrate the preliminary results in the case of China by
            using this model. Furthermore, the paper will discuss the possibilities of a wide
            range of application of the Input-Output table in terms of demography.

            Demography; Urbanisation; Migration; Input-output analysis

            1.  Introduction
                For the sustainable economic development of any region, its demography
            is important. China, which is large populous country, has recently proceeded
            the  urbanisation  and  townisation  as  an  economic  policy  since  in  order  to
            overcome the so-called ‘middle-income gap’, increasing the productivity of
            cities, which is considered the decisive engine of the economic growth, by
            concentrating  the  people  in  cities.  The  swelling  population  in  urban  areas
            might  have  an  important  effect  on  the  regional  economy.  However,  the
            previous  researches  have  not  clarified  the  interrelational  process  between
            migration and economy such as how the migrants in cities affect the economy.

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