Page 69 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 69

STS459 Norshahida S. et al.
            models  that can  appropriately  represent  O3  distribution  at Shah  Alam  and
            Putrajaya  air  quality  monitoring  sites,  during  dry  season  in  Malaysia  (i.e.
            Southwest  monsoon)  and  further,  the  model  will  be  used  to  predict  O3

            2.  Methodology
                This study used secondary data which was obtained from the Air Quality
            Division, Department of Environment (DOE) in Putrajaya, Malaysia. The data
            consist of daily by hourly recorded O3 concentration for two years period of
            time from 2013 to 2014 at two air quality monitoring stations; the Shah Alam
            and Putrajaya stations. In this study, four probability distributions were used
            to fit the hourly O3 concentration (ppm) that were recorded during dry season
            which  include;  Gamma,  Lognormal,  Normal  and  Weibull.  Due  to  the  small
            values of the observed O3, the analysis was then conducted using modified
            scale values of 10 times of the observed.
                The  estimation  of  Gamma  probability  density  function  parameter
            (α=shape parameter and β=scale parameter), Lognormal probability density
            function  parameters  (α=scale  parameter  and  β=shape  parameter),  Normal
            probability density function parameter (α=scale parameter and β =location
            parameter)  and  Weibull  probability  density  function  parameter  (α=scale
            parameter and β =shape parameter) were done using the maximum likelihood
            estimators  (MLE)  methods.  Several  goodness  of  fit  statistic  was  used  to
            determine the distribution that can give the best fit to the data. The goodness
            of fit criteria or statistics includes the Kolmogrov-Smirnov, Cramer-von Mises
            and Anderson-Darling. The three goodness of fit were compared and the one
            with the lowest value indicate the best distribution.

            Table 1.1
            Goodness of Fit Statistics as define by D’Agostino and Stephens (1986)
               Statistic         General formula
                                                             Computational formula

             Kolmogorov-            |  () − ()|   max( ,  ) with
             Smirnov                                             = max ( −   )
             (KS)                                                   =1,…,    − 1
                                                               = max (  −  )
             Cramer-von Mises        ∞   () − ())    1        2 − 1
             (CvM)                 ∫ (                  12  + ∑(  −  2  )
             Anderson-Darling        ∞   () − ()) 2    1  
             (AD)                  ∫  (         − − ∑(2 − 1) log(   (1 −  +1− ))
                                    −∞  ()(1())       =1
            **  Where   ≜ ( ) ,   =fitted  cumulative  distribution  function,   =empirical
            distribution function,  =observation

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