Page 70 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 70

STS459 Norshahida S. et al.
                      To evaluate the performance of a fitted distribution model in comparison
                  to the empirical distribution, the visualization approach is used. The CDF plots
                  for the theoretical distribution curve and the empirical distribution curve were
                  plot together in the same graph.
                      The performance of the best distribution model obtained was validated
                  using the coefficient of determination R  . High value of R  (> 0.8) and a linear
                  pattern of the plotted points between the predicted and the observe values
                  indicate  that  the  fitted  model  is  a  good  model  to  represent  the  random
                  distribution of Ozone hourly concentrations and the prediction can be done.
                      Once the best-fit distribution is determined, the cumulative distribution
                  function (CDF) of the fitted distribution was used to predict exceedances and
                  the  return  period.  Exceedances  is  defined  as  the  condition  when  ozone
                  concentration level exceeds or greater than the given government standard
                  (H = 0.1 ppm). In environmental problems, return period is considered as the
                  average number of days between exceedances. Thus to compute the return
                  period (T) of exceedances of Ozone concentration (x) using CDF, the formula
                  is given by:

                                                  =  1                                                (1)
                                         1−(  )
                  where F(xexceedance)is the CDF of the ozone concentration and xexceedence is when
                  x ≥H .
                                          1 − () = (   >   )                                        (2)
                      According  to  Malaysia  Air  Ambient  Quality  Guideline  (MAAQG),  the
                  standard for exceedances is whenever the hourly ozone concentration exceeds
                  0.1 ppm.

                  3.  Results
                      The hourly ozone concentration for Southwest monsoon is reported in
                  Table 1 shows the descriptive statistics for O3 concentration for Shah Alam and
                  Putrajaya areas. The statistics minimum O3 for the areas are about the same
                  with level of 0.000 ppm while the maximum O3 for Shah Alam and Putrajaya
                  are 0.1410 ppm and 0.1150 ppm respectively.
                      The  results  indicate  that  that  Shah  Alam  has  higher  O3  concentration
                  compared to Putrajaya. Besides, the mean values were higher than median
                  values for the three areas. The result indicates that there exist outlying data.
                  The statistic standard deviation for Putrajaya is larger than Shah Alam. The
                  results indicate that Putrajaya has higher variability in the Ozone concentration
                  level. For all areas, the coefficient of skewness and kurtosis are greater than
                  zero.  The  result  shows  that  the  Ozone  distribution  at  the  locations  are
                  positively skewed, if the model were to be fitted to the Ozone data, a skewed
                  model  is  more  appropriate.  Parameter  estimates  for  four  distributions
                  according to Southwest Monsoon season data are shows in Table 2. These

                                                                      59 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75