Page 280 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 280

STS544 Baoline C. et al.
                                =  + ∑        + ∑    ∑      ̅  +  ,
                                                                    , ,−
                                           =1           =1  =1
               where  is a constant, p is the number of autoregressive parameters, k is the
               number of lags of the indicator variables, and  ~ ( ,  ).
                   Although  bridge  equations  allow  for  multiple  high-frequency  indicator
               variables, our small sample size limits the number of high-frequency variables
               that could practically be included in the bridge equation. To be able to utilize
               information from a much larger set of monthly indicators in a parsimonious
               regression framework, we also consider the bridging with factors model, which
               replaces the monthly indicators in the bridge equation framework with a small
               number  of  common  factors  to  capture  the  main  co-movement  of  a  much
               larger set of indicators (Giannone, Reichlin and Small, 2008).
                   Let  = ( ,  , … ,  )  be the vector of  common factors from monthly
               factor models aggregated to the quarterly frequency, where  ≪ min (, ), n
               is the number of monthly indicator variables and T is the number of quarterly
               observations in the sample. For each PCE services component, bridging with
               factor model can be expressed as

                                =  + ∑       + ∑     ∑        +  ,
                                                                    , ,−
                                           =1          =1   =0
               where  is a constant,  is the number of autoregressive parameters,  is the
               number  of  lags  of  factor ; and  ~ ( ,  ). The  number  of  factors  is
               determined according to the Bai-Ng criterion proposed by Bai and Ng (2002).
                   The added advantage of the bridging with factors model is that it allows
               us to extract common factors from all available monthly indicators for all PCE
               services and use them in the estimation. Because we have insufficient number
               of  designated  monthly  indicators  for  all  detailed  PCE  service  components,
               bridging with factors also allows us to incorporate information on the general
               business conditions of the service sector via extracted common factors in the

               3.   Application: Bridge Equation and Bridging with Factors Models for
                   Estimation of PCE Services
                   We apply the bridge equation framework and the bridging with factors
               model  outlined  in  the  previous  section  to  compile  advance  estimate  of
               detailed PCE services using real time data from the U.S. national accounts. 121
               detailed components from 9 sub-groups of PCE services are included in the
               application. To be able to compare revisions with the current extrapolation
               method, we use the real-time data that were used to compile the advance
               estimate of detailed PCE services from 2009Q2 to 2017Q4, a maximum of 34
               quarters. Quarterly data used in the application include quarterly growth rates

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