Page 279 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 279

STS544 Baoline C. et al.
               advance  estimates  of  detailed  PCE  services  with  the  objective  of  reducing
               revisions  when  quarterly  source  data  become  available.  We  measure
               improvements in accuracy in terms of reduction in the root mean squared
               revision (RMSR) for each detailed component.
                   The  plan  for  the  paper  is  as  follows:  Section  2  describes  the  current
               extrapolation method and the proposed bridge equation and bridging with
               factor frameworks for nowcasting the advance estimate. Section 3 describes
               the  application  and  the  strategy  for  estimation  and  nowcasting.  Section  4
               reports estimation results. Section 5 discusses further research and concludes
               the paper.

               2.  Current and Alternative Methods for Compiling Advance Estimate of
                   Detailed PCE Services
                   Currently,  the  U.S.  national  accounts  compile  advance  estimate  of  PCE
               services  using  a  simple  extrapolation  method  which  takes  two  steps:  1)
               extrapolating  monthly  estimates  from  the  previous  month  for  each  of  the
               three months in the quarter using monthly indicators; and 2) computing the
               advance quarterly estimate as the quarterly averages of the three monthly
               estimates. The current extrapolation method uses information on the monthly
               indicators for the current quarter. However, it does not utilize information on
               the longer-term dynamics of the PCE services, nor does it utilize information
               on the longer-term dynamics of the monthly indicators. To reduce revisions in
               the advance estimate of PCE services, we need to allow lagged information on
               the  quarterly  PCE  services  and  the  current  and lagged  information  on  the
               relevant monthly indicators to be included in the estimation. Since compilation
               of advance estimate of PCE services is equivalent to a nowcasting problem, we
               consider  two  widely-used  nowcasting  techniques  in  this  study,  the  bridge
               equation framework and the bridging with factors model.
                   The bridge equation approach was first developed by Klein et al. (1989)
               and  has  since  been  further  developed  and  implemented  in  many  studies
               (Kitchen and Manaco, 2003; and Higgins, 2014). It has been described as a
               tracking  model  which  tracks  quarterly  growth  in  real  GDP  by  tracking  the
               arrival of new information in real time.
                   In  this  study,  we  express  variables  in  growth  rates.  Let   denote  the
               quarterly  growth  rate  of  the  advance  estimate  of  a  detailed  PCE  services
               component in quarter t; and let ̅ = (̅ 1,, … , ̅ ) denote the quarterly growth
               rates  of  the  quarterly  averages  of  s  monthly  indicator  variables.  For  each
               detailed PCE service component, the general bridge equation framework can
               be expressed as

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