Page 281 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 281

STS544 Baoline C. et al.
               of the first and third estimates of the of detailed PCE services from the 2009Q2
               to 2017Q4 vintages; monthly data include percentage changes in population,
               average wage earnings for the relevant PCE services, and the corresponding
               consumer  and  producer  price  indices  (CPI  and  PPI)  from  the  2009M7  to
               2017M12  vintages.  Each  vintage  of  the  quarterly  data  include  four  lagged
               quarterly growth rates and each vintage of the monthly indicators includes
               lagged values to compute 4 lagged quarterly growth rates of the monthly
                   For estimation using bridge equations, we allow a maximum of 4 lagged
               growth rates of the third quarterly estimate of the PCE services and the current
               and a maximum of 4 lagged quarterly growth rates of the monthly indicators.
               For estimation of the bridging with factors model, a monthly factor model is
               first  estimated  using  a  total  of  92  monthly  indicators  designated  for  the
               components in the 9 sub-groups of PCE services. Two common factors are
               selected  according  to  the  Bai-Ng  criterion.  Like  estimation  with  bridge
               equations, we allow a maximum of 4 lagged quarterly growth rates of the
               target quarterly variable and the current and 4 lagged quarterly growth rates
               of the selected common factors aggregated from the monthly factors.
                   The  estimation  and  nowcasting  exercise  is  done  in  three  steps:  1)  in-
               sample estimation using 75% of the sample; 2) one-step-ahead pseudo out-
               of-sample  predictions  using  the  remaining  25%  of  the  sample;  and  3)
               comparison of the proposed methods with the current method. To fully utilize
               the information from our small samples, we choose the recursive approach to
               compute out-of-sample predictions. The in-sample estimation is conducted
               using the STATA program VSELECT and the number of explanatory variables
               for  each  PCE  service  component  is  determined  according  to  the  Akaike
               information criteria corrected for small samples (AICC).
                   To  examine  the  impact  of  the  outliers  on  estimation  results,  we  also
               estimate models with the outliers (| − | ≥ 3) removed. Thus, we evaluate
               four  models:  bridge  equation  (M1),  bridge  equation  without  outliers  (M2),
               bridging with factors (M3), and bridging with factors without outliers (M4). We
               measure improvements in accuracy by comparing model root mean squared
               revisions (RMSR) with those from the current method.

               4.  Results from In-Sample Estimation and Out-of-Sample Predictions
               4.1 Results from in-sample estimation
                   Results from the in-sample estimation validate the choices of using bridge
               equations and bridging with factors models to compile advance estimate of
               detailed  PCE  services.  Table  1  shows  results  for  selected  PCE  service
               components from the estimated bridge equations. Column 1 identifies the
               regression models. Columns 2 and 3 identify the PCE services components and
               the  service  groups  they  belong  to.  Columns  4  to  8  display  the  estimated

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