Page 282 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 282

STS544 Baoline C. et al.
               coefficients of the constant, the lagged quarterly growth rates of the selected
               PCE services, and columns 9 to 13 contain the estimated coefficients of the
               current and lagged quarterly growth rates of the monthly indicators. Numbers
               in parentheses are the t-statistics for the estimated coefficients. The last two
               columns display the adjusted  ’s and the p-values for the F-tests.

               Table  1:  In-sample  estimation  of  selected  PCE  services  from  bridge
                  (1)   (2)   (3)   (4)   (5)   (6)   (7)   (8)   (9)   (10)   (11)   (12)   (13)   (14)   (15)
                      PCE  HLC

                  Model GROUP  CODE                                                                                                     α 4      Adj    Prob > F

                             .0029   .8994   .2205                .5115
                  M1     HLC    OPO  (1.85)   (6.45)       (2.01)              (2.11)              0.76      0.00
                             .0016   .7253      .3663   -.2075
                  M2     HLC    OPO   (.83)   (6.58)   (2.32)   (-1.23)                             0.73      0.00

                  M1      TRS     PFT   .0002   (24.95)   -.6109   .2171          1.0010      -1.4177      .5992     -.2196          0.99      0.00
                                                      (93.78)  (-23.38)

                             .0002   1.0315               .9568   -.9917
                  M2   TRS     PFT   (.15)   (16.73)   (11.35)   (-9.98)          0.95      0.00
                             .0001   1.4022     -.6120      .2306       .9950      2.2217     -.8236      .2295
                  M1     RCA     PIC   (.41)   (23.44)   (-8.07)   (6.87)      (.78.35)       (14.04)   (-7.86)  (6.07)      0.99      0.00
                            -.0001   1.0726   -.0877       .9721       1.0101
                  M2     RCA     PIC   (-.13)   (14.77)   (-2.58)          (27.43)       (12.39)              0.98      0.00
                             .0000   1.2630   -.5484      .3280       .9896      -1.2615   .5514     -.3263
                  M1     PER     SCL   (13)   (20.04)   (-8.56)   (9.54)      (73.04)  (-19.07)   (8.72)   (-8.77)         0.99      0.00
                             .0073           .6653                     -.7182
                  M2     PER     SCL  (4.41)           (4.62)                  (-3.47)         0.46      0.00
                            -0.0048                      1.0153

                  M1     SOC  SHO   (.90)                   (2.66)                      0.21      0.01

                             .0001      -.9010          .1567      -.1494   .6013      .8919      .4316     -.1119
                  M2     SOC  SHO   (-.03)   (-5.09)       (1.88)  (-2.51)   (9.92)   (7.54)   (4.68)   (-1.56)         0.95      0.00
               Note:  HLC-Health  care  (OPO-Nonprofit  other  medical  service);  TRS-
               Transportation  (PFT-Parking  fees);  RCA-Recreational  services  (PIC-Cinema);
               PER-Personal  services  (SCL-Repair  of  footwear);  SOC-Social  services  (SHO-
               Nonprofit home for elderly).

                   The  main  observations  from  in-sample  estimation  are  that  1)  lagged
               quarterly growth of PCE services and lagged monthly indicator variables (or
               lagged common factors in the bridging with factors model) play a significant
               role in the estimation of advance estimate of most PCE service components;
               2)  dynamic  characteristics  of  each  service component  and of  its  indicators
               determine the choice of the model for compiling its advance estimate; 3) in
               estimation using the bridging with factors model, common factors extracted
               from  all  available  monthly  indicators  of  the  9  PCE  service  groups  play  a
               significant role in compiling the advance estimate; and 4) as shown in the
               estimated M1 and M2 models in Table 1, outliers do affect selection of the
               variables in the estimated model.
                   Lagged  growth  rates  of  the  PCE  services  are  shown  to  impact  the
               estimation. Although the maximum number of lagged growth rates is set to 4,
               for  most  service  components  fewer  than  4  lags  were  selected  by  AICC.
               Similarly,  fewer  than  4  lags  of  the  indicators  (or  common  factors)  were
               selected. For some PCE services, no lagged growth rates of the quarterly target
               variables were selected at all; whereas for some other services only lagged
               growth rates of the quarterly target variables but no current or lagged growth

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