Page 284 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 284

STS544 Baoline C. et al.
                   Table 2: Percentage changes in the RMSR from bridge equation and
                      bridging with factor models for professional services (PRS)
                                                 ∆RMSR_BE                    ∆RMSR_BF
                      PCE_PRS  ∆RMSR_BE Model      Outlier     ∆RMSR_BF       Outliers
                                                  Removed        Model        Removed
                        GAL          -48.15         -44.36        -27.64         -27.64

                       GAH           -48.04         -44.10        -29.49         -29.49
                        AXS          -43.62         -10.83        -25.28         -25.28

                        AXO          -59.76         -47.08        -44.97         -38.90

                       AOO           -74.15         -66.03        -62.21         -68.52

               Note: GAL-Legal service; GAH-Private and public legal service; AXS-Nonprofit
               professional association service; AXO-Private professional association service;
               AOO-All other organizational service.

                   Table 2 shows the percentage changes in the RMSR from the one-step-
               ahead  pseudo-out-of-sample  predictions  relative  to  the  RMSR  using  the
               current  extrapolation  method  for  the  components  in  professional  services
               (PRS). Negative values indicate reductions in the RMSR from the one-step-
               ahead  predictions.  Reductions  in  the  RMSR  are  seen  in  all  5  detailed
               professional services from all models, ranging from 11% to 74%. For the 5
               components from professional services, reduction in the RMSR is the largest
               from the one-step-ahead predictions computed from the estimated bridge
               equations. The stronger performance of the bridge equation framework is also
               evident in other PCE service groups
                   We  can  graphically  compare  revisions  from  the  in-sample  and  out-of-
               sample  estimation  from  the  estimated  bridge  equation  and  bridging  with
               factors models with those from the current extrapolation method. Figure 2
               illustrates revisions in nonprofit hospital services and miscellaneous personal
               care services. Bars shown in blue are revisions from the current extrapolation
               method, bars in red are revisions computed from the in-sample estimation,
               and  bars  in  green  show  revisions  from  the  one-step-ahead  predictions
               computed from the estimated bridge equations (left) or bridging with factors
               models (right). Not surprisingly, revisions from the in-sample estimation are
               generally  smaller  than  those  from  the  out-of-sample  predictions.  Another
               observation  is  that  revisions  from  both  in-sample  and  out-of-sample
               estimation  are  noticeably  smaller  in  the  periods  where  the  current
               extrapolation method resulted in large spikes in the revisions. However, we
               also notice that a revision reduction is not seen in every quarter.

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