Page 286 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 286

STS544 Jonathan W. et al.

                            Forecasting quarterly GDP at real-time monthly
                             intervals using  Bayesian Linear Least-Squares
                                 Jonathan Weinhagen ; Peter Zadrozny
                 1  Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Industrial Prices 2 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Room
                                         3865 Washington, DC 20212
                2  Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Price Index Number Research 2 Massachusetts Avenue
                                     NE, Room 3105 Washington, DC 20212

                   The paper proposes and illustrates a Bayesian method that requires only
               linear least-squares methods for estimating a monthly VAR model of GDP,
               employment, and industrial production using quarterly observations on GDP
               and monthly observations on employment and industrial production in order
               to forecast GDP at monthly intervals, using the latest available monthly real-
               time information. The Bayesian method is Theil and Goldberger's (1962) mixed
               estimation  method  that  is  used  to  impose  equality  restrictions  on  model
               coefficients  at  different  degrees  of  Bayesian  tightness  (cf.,  Shiller,  1974;
               Litterman, 1986).  The restrictions reflect the implication of stationarity that
               VAR coefficients of the same variables and the same implied monthly lags
               should be equal. The GDP forecasts of the best-forecasting model were about
               9%  lower  in  root  mean  squared  error  (RMSE)  than  those  of  a  baseline
               univariate AR model. Tight restrictions resulted in slightly worse forecasting
               models with higher RMSEs. The methodological contribution of the paper is
               that its method of “stacking” a model for mixed-frequency data at the lowest
               frequency immediately generalizes to any number and types of frequencies.

               1.  Introduction
                   At any moment a forecaster has available only real-time data that have
               been  released  up  to  that  time.  Economic  data  are  available  at  different
               frequencies, some at monthly or shorter intervals, others at longer intervals.
               For example, GDP is observed quarterly and employment (EP) and industrial
               production (IP) data are observed monthly. Different econometric methods
               have been used to estimate vector autoregressive moving-average (VARMA)
               models with mixed frequency data (MFD). For example, Zadrozny (1990a,b)
               first discussed and illustrated estimating a VARMA model of quarterly GNP
               and monthly employment using maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and,
               then, using the estimated model and Kalman filtering to forecast the GNP at
               monthly  intervals.  However,  MLE,  especially  applied  to  MFD,  is  difficult  to

               * This work represents the authors’ views and does not necessarily represent any official
                  positions of BLS.
                 Corresponding author.

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