Page 354 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 354

STS550 Angelia L. Grant et al.
                     As the forecasting horizon increases, the performance of the AR(2) models
                  for some components deteriorates relative to the AIDS. For example, at the
                  three-year-ahead horizon, the forecast for the fuels and lubricants component
                  of the benchmark model is 53 per cent better compared to the standard AR(2)
                  model.  In  contrast,  the  relative  price  model  with  the  linear  time  trend
                  continues  to  perform  relatively  well  for  most  of  the  components.
                  Consequently, it can generally be concluded that, at shorter forecasting time
                  horizons, models that capture short-run dynamics perform well, but that, at
                  longer horizons, models with trend terms and relative prices tend to perform

                  Forecast Combinations
                     Table 2 reports the root mean squared forecast error relative to that of the
                  almost  ideal  demand  system  for  both  of  the  forecast  combinations  over
                  different  forecast  horizons.  At  the  one-quarter-ahead  forecasting  horizon,
                  both  forecast  combinations  perform  better  than  the  almost  ideal  demand
                  system, with the exception of the equal weight model for fuels and lubricants.
                  The forecast combinations perform particularly well for the food and other
                  services components. In the case of other services, the root mean squared
                  forecast error for the equal weight model is only 25 per cent of that of the
                  almost  ideal  demand  system  and  19  per  cent  for  the  model  weighted  by
                  forecast performance. This is an important result given that the other services
                  category accounts for a large share of consumption subject to the goods and
                  services tax.
                  Table 1: Root mean squared forecast error relative to almost ideal demand
                  system  (values  less  than  1  indicate  better  forecast  performance  than  the

                                                    Household consumption components*

                                            (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)   (h)   (i)
                   One-quarter-ahead forecast
                   AR(2) model             0.21   0.40   0.23   0.23   0.17   0.38   0.82   0.76   0.21

                   AR(2) model with trend   0.22   0.45   0.22   0.21   0.16   0.36   0.74   0.71   0.16
                   Relative price model    0.81   0.85   1.30   1.25   1.43   0.97   3.71   1.11   0.57

                   Relative price model with   0.75   1.08   0.32   0.33   0.45   0.81   1.06   0.80   0.17

                   One-year-ahead forecast
                   AR(2) model             0.37   0.87   0.72   0.29   0.34   0.81   1.77   1.56   0.33
                   AR(2) model with trend   0.45   1.09   0.70   0.30   0.32   0.78   1.58   1.44   0.12

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