Page 358 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 358

STS550 Angelia L. Grant et al.
                  approach  quickly  adapts  to  changes  in  model  performance.  A  forecast
                  combination framework is particularly useful when it is necessary to forecast
                  over a three-year forecasting period.

                  5.  Concluding Remarks
                      This  paper  outlines  a  methodology  for  forecasting  the  components  of
                  household  final  consumption  expenditure.  It  uses  a  forecast  combination
                  approach with autoregressive models, regressions on relative prices and the
                  almost ideal demand system developed by Deaton and Muellbauer (1980).
                  The  forecast  combination  that  weights  the  forecasts  based  on  forecasting
                  performance according to rolling squared forecast errors generally performs
                  better  than  the  currently-used  almost  ideal  demand  system.  The  forecast
                  combination  takes  advantage  of  the  forecasting  performance  across  the
                  different  individual  models  for  the  different  components  of  consumption
                  expenditure  and  across  different  forecasting  horizons.  The  forecast
                  combination is particularly useful when it is necessary to forecast over a three-
                  year  forecasting  period,  given  significant  differences  in  forecasting
                  performance of models across different forecasting horizons.

                  1.  A. Deaton and J. Muellbauer. An almost ideal demand system.
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                  2.  H. Gerard and K. Nimark. Combining multivariate density forecasts using
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                  3.  M. Guidolin and A. Timmermann. Forecasts of US short-term interest
                      rates: A flexible forecast combination approach. Journal of Econometrics,
                      150(2):297-311, 2009.
                  4.  D.E. Rapach, J.K. Strauss, and G. Zhou. Out-of-sample equity premium
                      prediction: Combination forecasts and links to the real economy. Review
                      of Financial Studies, 23(2):821-862, 2010.
                  5.  A. Timmermann. Forecast combination. Handbook of Economic
                      Forecasting, edited by: G. Elliott, C.W.J. Granger and A. Timmermann,
                      North-Holland, 2006.

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