Page 357 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 357

STS550 Angelia L. Grant et al.

                  Figure 2: Weights for the one-quarter-ahead forecast for the food

                At the one-year-, two-year- and three-year-ahead forecasting horizons,
            the forecast combinations also generally perform better than the almost ideal
            demand system, with fuels and lubricants and electricity and gas being the
            only components where the forecasting performance is not uniformly better
            than that of the almost ideal demand system. The forecast combination using
            past forecasting performance uniformly outperforms the combination based
            on equal weights at the longer forecasting horizons.
                At  the  longer  forecasting  horizons,  the  forecast  combinations  perform
            significantly better than the autoregressive models. In contrast, at the three-
            year-ahead  forecasting  horizon,  the  relative  prices  model  with  linear  time
            trends  performs  better  than  the  forecast  combination  based  on  past
            forecasting  performance  for  five  out  of  the  nine  household  consumption
            components. This shows that models with trend terms and relative prices tend
            to perform better over longer forecasting horizons, while the autoregressive
            models are better at forecasting over shorter time horizons.
                The  varied  forecasting  performance  across  the  different  individual
            models  for  the  different  components  of  household  consumption
            expenditure  and  across  different  forecasting  time  horizons  highlights  the
            benefit  of  a  forecast  combination  framework.  The  forecast  combination
            based on forecasting performance takes advantage of models that account
            for the persistence and longer-term trends in a number of the consumption
            components, and the shifts caused by relative price changes. Moreover, as a
            model  outperforms  its competitors  in  the  recent  past,  a  higher  weight  is
            given  to  that  successful  model.  In  this  way,  the  forecast  combination

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