Page 415 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 415

STS552 Carol C. Bertaut et al.
            14. Fratzscher, M., Lo Duca, M., & Straub, R. (2018). On the international
                spillovers of US quantitative easing. The Economic Journal, 128(608), 330-
            15. Pasricha, G., Falagiarda, M., Bijsterbosch, M., & Aizenman, J. (2015).
                Domestic and multilateral effects of capital controls in emerging markets
                (No. w20822). National Bureau of Economic Research.
            16. Gruić, B., & Wooldridge, P. D. (2012). Enhancements to the BIS debt
                securities statistics.
            17. Hale, G., P. Jones and M. M. Spiegel (2016). “The Rise in Home Currency
                Issuance”, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco Working Paper 2014-19
            18. Hebous, S., & Johannesen, N. (2015). At your service! The role of tax
                havens in international trade with services
            19. Keen, M., & Konrad, K. A. (2013). The theory of international tax
                competition and coordination. In Handbook of public economics (Vol. 5,
                pp. 257-328). Elsevier.
            20. Lane, M. P. R., & Milesi-Ferretti, M. G. M. (2017). International financial
                integration in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. International
                Monetary Fund Working Paper No. 17/115.
            21. Lucas, R. E. (1990). Why doesn't capital flow from rich to poor countries?.
                The American Economic Review, 80(2), 92-96.
            22. Mizen, P., Packer, F., Remolona, E. M., & Tsoukas, S. (2012). Why do firms
                issue abroad? Lessons from onshore and offshore corporate bond finance
                in Asian emerging markets.
            23. Pasricha, G., Falagiarda, M., Bijsterbosch, M., & Aizenman, J. (2015).
                Domestic and multilateral effects of capital controls in emerging markets
                (No. w20822). National Bureau of Economic Research.
            24. Pomeroy, James. 2016. “The Rise of the Digital Natives.” HSBC report,
            25. Serena, J. M., & Moreno, R. (2016). Domestic financial markets and
                offshore bond financing.

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