Page 417 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 417

STS552 Natalia Nehrebecka

                          Forecasting the recovery rate of non-financial
                             corporations with particular emphasis on
                                         sectorial analysis
                                        Natalia Nehrebecka
                                         Narodowy Bank Polski

            The  empirical  literature  on  credit  risk  is  mainly  based  on  modelling  the
            probability of default, omitting the modelling of the loss on default. This paper
            is aimed to study the recovery rate in theoretical approach - familiarizing with
            regulatory requirements, and also in practical approach - to predict recovery
            rates on the rarely applied here nonparametric method of Quantile Regression
            and  Bayesian  Model  Averaging,  developed  on  the  basis  of  individual
            prudential  and  balance  of  payments  data  in  the  2007–2018.  Literature  on
            Losses Given Default focuses on mean predictions, even though losses are
            extremely  skewed and bimodal. The models were created on financial and
            behavioural  data  that  present  the  history  of  the  credit  relationship  of  the
            enterprise  with  financial  institutions.  Two  approaches  are  presented  in  the
            paper:  Point  in  Time  and  Through-the-Cycle.  Using  the  estimated  risk
            parameter,  the  reserves  for  expected  loan  losses  were  also  calculated.  A
            correct estimation of LGD parameter affects the appropriate amounts of held
            reserves,  which  is  crucial  for  the  proper  functioning  of  the  bank  and  not
            exposing itself to the risk of insolvency if such losses occur.

            loss given default; recovery rate; regulatory requirements; quantile regression;
            bayesian model averaging

            1.  Introduction
                Credit risk assessment (in particular ensuring accurate and reliable credit
            ratings)  plays  a  key  role  for  many  market  participants.  According  to  the
            traditional approach the definition of credit risk, it is the risk of loss caused by
            a debtor’s failure to repay a loan, while in the market definition it is the risk of
            loss driven by a rating downgrade (i.e. an increase in the probability of default)
            or  failure  to  repay  an  obligation  by  a  debtor.  Basel  Committee  explains  a
            default event on a debt obligation in the two following ways:
            - It is unlikely that the obligor will be able to repay its debt to the bank without
            giving up any pledged collateral;
            - The obligor is more than 90 days past due on a material credit obligation.
                Basel  II  introduced  the  Internal  Ratings-based  Approach  which  enables
            institutions to provide their own estimates for the Loss Rate Given Default (LGD).

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