Page 420 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 420

STS552 Natalia Nehrebecka
                       Figure 1: Insolvency rate and default rate in period 2007-2017

                     During the crisis on global financial markets in 2007-2009 a decline in the
                  GDP growth rate was recorded from 6.6% to 3.2% and the number of declared
                  bankruptcies in the economy increased by 54.6%. At the turn of 2008/2009,
                  the  default  rate  was  at  the  level  of  8%.  In  2012  the  courts  declared  the
                  bankruptcy of 877 business entities, which was the highest result for 8 years.
                  This state of affairs can be partly explained by the economic downturn in 2012.
                  In the case of the default rate, the second local maximum (7.5%) was noticed.
                  The default rate this year is still declining and is at around 4.5% (Figure 1).

                   Table 1: Banks' credit exposure to non-financial firms by instrument in

                   Instrument Type        in mld    N firms  N banks   HHI    HHI     HHI
                                           PLN                     by firms  by banks by sectors

                    Total explosure        477,4   17 119    44      0,2%    9,7%     16%
                    Loans                  276,0   15 598    44     0,15%    9,2%     7,6%
                    Bonds                   7,7      84      11     12,1%   32,5%    25,9%
                    Guarantees             51,1     4 195    32      1,4%    11%     15,4%
                    Open credit lines      118,9   12 028    35      0,3%    11,1%    7%
                  Source: Authors’ calculations
                     Table  1  presents  the  banks’  exposure  to  the  non-financial  corporation
                  sector in 2018 divided into balance sheet exposure, including: loans and other
                  receivables,  debt  instruments  and  off-balance  sheet  exposure,  including:
                  guarantee, open credit lines. The concentration index (HHI) was calculated for
                  each  financial  instrument,  both  in  terms  of  lenders  and  borrowers.  Banks’
                  exposure to the corporate sector was highest in loans and other receivables
                  (58% of total exposure). In addition, in the case of loans and other receivables,
                  the concentration index assumed the lowest level in terms of both lenders and

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