Page 419 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 419

STS552 Natalia Nehrebecka
            recoveries which yields to a strong bimodality. The mean is given by 37% and
            the  median  by  24%,  i.e.,  LGDs  are  highly  skewed.  Both  properties  of  the
            distribution may favour the application of quantile regression because most
            standard  methods  do  not  adequately  capture  bimodality  and  skewness.
            Furthermore,  many  LGDs  are  lower  than  0  and  higher  than  1  due  to
            administrative, legal and liquidation expenses or financial penalties and high
            collateral recoveries.
            The regression model can be presented as follows (see Nehrebecka, 2019):

            Recovery ratei,t = f (Debt Characteristics i, Bank Characteristics i,
                                   Firm Characteristicsi,t-1, Macroeconomic Variablest-1)

                The LGD coefficient - was obtained as a result of nonparametric method
            of Quantile Regression and Bayesian Model Averaging. Two approaches are
            presented in the paper: Point in Time and Through the Cycle. The historical
            loan losses recorded by the National Bank of Poland were used for estimation.

            3.  Results
                The  empirical  analysis  was  based  on  the  individual  data  from  different
            sources (from the years 2007 to 2018), which are:
                -  Data  on  banking  defaults  are  drawn  from  the  Prudential  Reporting
                   managed by Narodowy Bank Polski. Act of the Board of the Narodowy
                   Bank  Polski  no.53/2011  dated  22  September  2011  concerning  the
                   procedure  and  detailed principles  of  handing  over  by  banks  to  the
                   Narodowy  Bank  Polski  data  indispensable  for  monetary  policy,  for
                   periodical evaluation of monetary policy, evaluation of the financial
                   situation of banks and bank sector's risks. Large exposures – for a bank
                   that is a  joint-stock  company, state-run bank and a  non-associated
                   cooperative bank – mean exposures towards one enterprise in excess
                   of 2,000,000 PLN.
                -  Data on insolvencies/bankruptcies come from a database managed by
                   The National Court Register, that is the national network of Business
                   Official Register.
                -  Financial statement data (source: AMADEUS, NOTORIA, BISNODE, F-
                -  Data  on  external  statistics  of  enterprises  (source:  Narodowy  Bank

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