Page 441 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 441

STS555 Patrice Bertail et al.


                 5. Drop the first block ˆB0 and the last one

            2.  Robust functional parameter estimation for Markov Chains
                The concepts of influence function and/or robustness in the i.i.d. setting
            provide tools to detect outliers among the data or influential observations.
            Extending the notion of influence function and/or robustness to the general
            time  series  framework  is  a  difficult  task;  see  [3]  or  [4].  Alternatively,  the
            regenerative  approach  offers  the  opportunity  of  extending  much  more
            naturally an extension of the influence function based on the (approximate)
            regeneration blocks construction.
                The influence function on the torus
                Just like the stationary probability distribution µ(dx), most parameters of
            interest related to Harris positive chains are functionals of the distribution LA
            of the regenerative blocks on the torus T = Un≥E , namely the distribution of
            (X1,..., XτA) conditioned on X0 E A when the chain possesses an accessible atom
            A, or the distribution of (X1,..., XτAM) conditioned on (X0, Y0) ∈ AM in the general
            case  when  one  considers  the  split  chain.  For  simplicity,  we  shall  omit  the
            subscript M and make no notational distinction between the regenerative and
            pseudo-regenerative  cases.  Indeed,  the  probability  distribution  Pν  of  the
            Markov chain X starting from ν can be factorized as follows:

            where Lν means the conditional distribution of (X1, . . . , XτA) given that X0 ∼ ν. Any
            functional of the law of the discrete-time process (Xn)n≥1 can be thus expressed as
            a functional of the pair (Lν, LA). In the time-series asymptotic framework, since the
            distribution of Lν cannot be estimated in general, only functionals of LA are of
            practical interest. We propose a notion of influence function for such statistics. Let
            PT denote the set of all probability measures on the torus T and for any b ∈ T, set
            L(b) = k if b ∈ E , k > 1. We then have the following natural definition, which
            straightforwardly extends the classical notion of influence function in the i.i.d. case,
            with the important novelty that distributions on the torus are considered here.

            Definition  4.  (INFLUENCE  FUNCTION  ON  THE  TORUS)  Let  (V,  11.11)  be  a
            separable Banach space. Let T : PT → V be a functional on PT. If, for all L in PT,
            t (T((1 − t)L+δb) − T(L)) has a finite limit as t → 0 for any b ∈ T, the influence
            function T : PT → V of the functional T is then said to be well-defined, and,
            by definition, one set for all b in T,
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