Page 439 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 439

STS555 Patrice Bertail et al.
                Roughly speaking, an atom is a set from which all the transition probabilities
            are  the  same.  Suppose  that  X  possesses  an  accessible  atom.  We  define  the
            sequence of regeneration times (τA(j))j≥1, i.e.

                                   τA = τA(1) = inf{n ≥ 1 : Xn ∈ A}

            is the first time when the chain hits the regeneration set A and

                              τA(j) = inf{n > τA(j − 1), Xn ∈ A} for j ≥ 2

            is the j-th visit of the chain to the atom A.
                By the strong Markov property, given any initial law ν, the sample paths
            can be divided into i.i.d. segments corresponding to the consecutive visits of the
            chain to regeneration set A. The blocks of data are of the form:
                                   Bj = (X1+τA(j), · · ·, XτA(j+1)), j ≥ 1

            and take values in the torus ∪∞k=1E .
                In  the  following,  we  are  interested  in  steady-state  analysis  of  Markov
            chains. More specifically, for a positive recurrent Markov chain if EA(τA) < ∞,
            then the unique invariant probability distribution µ is the Pitman’s occupation

                We introduce few more pieces of notation: ln = ∑   "{Xi ∈ A} designates
            the total number of consecutive visits of the chain to the atom A, thus we
            observe  ln  +  1  data  segments.  We  make  the           convention that
            when  τA(ln)  =  n.  We  denote  by  l(Bj)  =  τA(j  +  1)  −  τA(j),  j  ≥  1  the  length  of
            regeneration blocks. From Kac’s theorem it follows that

            General Harris Markov chains and the splitting technique
                In this framework, we also consider more general classes of Markov chains,
            namely positive recurrent Harris Markov chains.
            Definition 2. Suppose that X is a ψ-irreducible Markov chain. We say that X is
            Harris recurrent iff, starting from any point x ∈ E and any set such that ψ(A) >
            0, we have

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