Page 444 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 444

STS555 Patrice Bertail et al.

                  A straighforward computation following in the footsteps of those carried out in the
                  i.i.d. case (see [5] for further details) shows that, if fµ(Tα(µ)) ≠ 0, the influence function
                  is given here by

                  It follows that the gross-error sensivity of a quantile in a dependent framework
                  is  γ (Tα(µ),  LA)  =  ∞ :  an  empirical  quantile  is  generally  not  robust  in  the
                  Markovian framework. As in example 1, one has to get rid of large blocks to
                  robustify the estimator of the quantiles.
                     Example 3: The KDEM model.
                     The KDEM for Kinetic Dietary Exposure Model is a stochastic process that
                  aims  at  representing  the  evolution  of  a  contaminant  in  the  human  body
                  through time or the amount of water in a tank (with some elimination after
                  each rains). It has been proposed few years ago in [2]. In this context of dietary
                  risk assessment, for i ≥ 0,
                      •  Wi’s are random variables called intakes. They correspond to the intake
                         of a contaminated food and occur at times Ti’s, called intake instants.
                      •  ΔTi’s, called inter-arrivals, are the durations between the (i − 1)-th and
                         the i-th intake and are defined for i ≥ 0 by ΔTi =Ti − Ti−1.
                      •  N(t)  is  a  counting  process  that  counts  the  number  of  intakes  that
                         occured until time t ≥ 0.
                      In the sequel, we denote X (t), the total body burden of a chemical at the
                  instant t ≥ 0. Following [2], between two intakes, we consider that the exposure
                  process X = (X(t))t≥0 moves in a deterministic way according to the first order
                  differential equation

                                               dX(t) = [ω × X(t)]dt,                            (3)

                  with  ω  >  0  a  fixed  parameter,  called  elimination  rate,  that  describes  the

                  metabolism in regards to the chemical elimination. For t ≥ 0, let A(t) = t − TN(t),
                  be the backward recurrence time, which is the duration between the present
                  time t and the lastest intake instant TN(t). Then, the bivariate process {(X (t),
                  A(t))}t≥0  is  a  PDMP.  By  solving  (3),  one  may  straightforwardly  see  that  the
                  exposure process can be written for any t ≥ 0 as

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