Page 443 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 443

STS555 Patrice Bertail et al.
                In the i.i.d. setting it is known that, if f is bounded by some constant Mf < +∞,
            the  corresponding  functional  is  robust  and  may  be  simply  estimated  by  its
            empirical counterpart. In the Markovian situation, even in the bounded case,
            T (b, LA) is generally not bounded and γ (T, LA) = ∞. This point has also been
            stressed in [4], with a different definition of the influence function however. A
            robustified version of this parameter then can be defined as

            and the plug-in estimator becomes

            This simply consists in getting rid of the blocks (or the pseudo-blocks) whose
            lengths are too large compared to M. This applies in particular to the estimation
            of the stationary measure µ when f is an indicator function ∑   1 { ≤ } leading
            to an estimator  FLA,M,n of the cdf of the stationary measures.
                Example 2: M-estimators. Suppose that E ⊂ R for simplicity. Let θ be the
            unique solution of the equation:

            where  g  :  R   →  R  is  of  class  C .  Equipped  with  the  notation  g(b,  θ)  :=
            ∑ () (, ) for all b ∈ T, the score equation is equivalent to ELA [g(B, θ)] = 0. A
            calculation entirely similar to that carried out in the i.i.d. setting (provided that
            differentiating inside the expectation is authorized) gives

            where  ∂g(b,  θ)/∂θ  = ∑ =1  (, )/.  By definition of θ, we naturally have

                Example 2: Quantiles. We place ourselves in the case E ⊂ R. Assume
            that the stationary distribution has a continuous cdf Fµ(x) = µ(] − ∞, x]) and
            density  fµ(x).  Consider  the  α−quantile           This  parameter  can
            also be viewed as a functional of LA, Tα(LA) say, it is the unique solution of the

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