Page 445 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 445

STS555 Patrice Bertail et al.
                                       X(t) = X(TN(t)) × e −ωA(t) .                  (4)

                The embedded chain of X, denoted X˜ = (X(Tn))n∈N := (Xn)n∈N, which is the
            process on the intake instants T0, T1, ... plays a leading role in the analysis of X
            and describes the exposure process immediately after each intake. It is defined
            by the following stochastic recurrence equation

                                  Xn+1 = Xn × e −ωΔTn+1  + Wn+1,   n ≥ 0.                           (5)

                Equation (5) is an autoregressive process with random coefficient. Under
            additional assumptions [2] have related the continuous-time process X with
            the embedded chain ˜X. Denote, µ(dx) = g(x)dx (resp. ˜µ(dx) = ˜g(x)dx). They
            show  that  the  limiting  distribution  µ  and  µ˜  are  linked  by  the  following

                in such a way that   ∫ {(), }  →  µ(]0, µ]) when t → ∞. Let ˜FLA,M,n be
            a robust estimator of (] −  ∞, ]) as in example 1, then the robust estimator
            is given by

            Similarly to the Sparre-Andersen case, in the exponential inter-arrival case, we
            have the expression

                Notice that in that case, the (non-robust) plug-in estimator of µ([, ∞[) has
            the nice expression

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