Page 436 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 436

STS552 João Falcão Silva et al.

                                                             ∑    ,
                                                       ,  =    
                          b.  Apply the average in a. to the Non-banks sector N for periods
                              where no information is available ( ,+  ):
                           + () =  +  ×  , ()  ;  =  and  = 1, 2, … , .
                  2.      Deposits  placed  with  banks  by  households  (H)  of  a  country  –
                          liabilities of banks vis-à-vis P amounts are reported prior to sector H
                          [ie  sector  H  available  from  quarter  later  than  Q4  2013]:  We  use
                          reported data from available quarters and apply estimation method
                          such as 1a. (simple/weighted/moving average from reported data of
                          sector H) to earlier periods back to Q4 2013  . For quarters prior to
                          Q4 2013, apply 1b. including estimated data up to Q4 2013.

                          However,  if  for  certain  periods  country   reports  sector  P  but  no
                          subsectors of P vis-à-vis country, we consider the following approach:

                          a.  Calculate the average over reported ‘n’ quarters of the households
                             (H) weight to sector P for the reporting country ‘i’ vis-à-vis country
                                ( , )
                                                            ∑     ,
                                                       ,  =   
                          b.  Apply   ,   to the reported amount of Non-financial sector P for c
                                 ̅ ,
                                 () =       ,   (liabilities);     = 1,2, … ,   stands  for
                                periods with sector P without its subsector.
                          c.  For the non-reported periods, we adopt 1a and 1b. In other words,
                             calculate the average for the estimated periods of the weight of
                             the estimated Household amounts on the Non-bank sector, ‘N’,
                             ( ):
                          d.  Apply the average in c. to the Non-banks sector N for the periods
                             where no information is available ( + ):

                  26   For example, Spain reports deposits liabilities vis-à-vis sector H of PT from Q1 2017.
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