Page 451 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 451

STS555 Mohamed Salem Ahmed et al.
            { ,  = 1, … , } and { ,  = 1, … , } and { ,  = 1, … , }  is independent
            of { ,  = 1, … , } We  give  asymptotic  results  according  to  Increasing
            domain asymptotic.
            2.1  Estimation procedure
                We propose an estimation procedure based on a combination of a weighted
            likelihood method and a generalized method of moments. We first fix the parametric
            components  and  of the model and estimate the nonparametric component using
            a weighted likelihood. The obtained estimate is then used to construct generalized
            residuals where the latter are combined to instrumentals variables to propose GMM
            parametric estimates. This approach will be described as follow. By equation (2) we

            where   denotes the expectation under the true parameters (i.e  ,   and
             (∙)), Φ(∙)  is  the  cumulative  distribution  function  of  a  standard  normal
            distribution,  and  ( ( )) =  ( ), 1 ≤  ≤ ,  = 1,2, … are  the  diagonal
            elements of   ( ).
            For  each   ∈ Θ ,  ∈ Θ ,  ∈   and   ∈ ℝ ,  we  define  the  conditional
            expectation  on   of  the  log-Likelihood  of   given ( ,  ) for 1 ≤  ≤
            ,  = 1,2, …,
            with  ℒ(; ) = log( (1 − ) 1− ).  Note  that  (; , , ) is  assumed  to  be
            constant  over    (and   ).  For  each  fixed   ∈ Θ ,  ∈ Θ   and   ∈ ,  ,()
            denotes the solution in  of

            Then, we have     () =  () for all z ∈ Z.
                             0 , 0  0
            Now using  , (∙), we construct GMM estimates of   and   as Pinkse and
            Slade (1998). For that, we define the generalized residuals, replacing  ( )
            in (1) by  , ( );


            where  ∅(∙)  is  the  density  of  the  standard  normal  distribution  and
             (, ,  , )=( ()) −1  (  +  , ( )).
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