Page 449 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 449

STS555 Mohamed Salem Ahmed et al.
            of the model and estimate nonparametrically the nonlinear component by
            weighted likelihood. The obtained estimator depending on the values at which
            the parametric components were fixed is used to construct a GMM estimator
            (Pinkse and Slade, 1998) of these components.

            2.  Model

                We consider that at n spatial locations { ,  ,… ,  } satisfying ‖ −  ‖ >
             with  > 0, observations of a random vector (, , ) are available. Assume
            that these observations are considered as triangular arrays (Robinson, 2011)
            and follow the partially linear model of a latent dependent variable  :



            where    and    are  explanatory  random  variables  taking  values  in  two
            compacts  subsets   ⊂ ℝ ( ≥ 1)  and   ⊂ ℝ ( ≥ 1) respectively.  The
            parameter   is an unknown  × 1 vector that belongs to a compact subset
            Θ ⊂ ℝ ,  (∙) is an unknown smooth function valued in the space of functions
             = {  ∈  (): ‖‖ =  ∈ |()| < }  with   ()  the  space  of  twice
            differentiable functions from  to ℝ,  a positive constant. In model (1), 
            and  (. ) are constant over  (and ). Assume that the term of disturbance 
            in (1) is modeled by the following spatial autoregressive process (SAR):


            where   is  the  autoregressive  parameter,  valued  in  the  compact  subset Θ ⊂
            ℝ,   ,  = 1, … ,  are the elements in the –th row of a non-stochastic  ×  spatial
            weights matrix  , that contains the information on the spatial relationship between
            observations. This spatial weight matrix is usually constructed as a function of the
            distances (with respect to some metric) between locations, see Pinkse and Slade
            (1998)  for  more  of  details.  The   ×   matrix  ( −   ) is  assumed  to  be
            nonsingular for all  where   denotes the  ×  identity matrix, and { , 1 ≤  ≤ }
            are  assumed  to  be  independent  random  Gaussian  variables;  ( ) = 0  and
            ( ) = 1 for  = 1, … ,   = 1,2, … . Note that one can rewrite (3) as:

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