Page 448 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 448

STS555 Mohamed Salem Ahmed et al.
                  mapping forms often an irregular lattice. Basically, statistical models for lattice
                  data are linked to nearest neighbors to express the fact that data are nearby.
                  Two popular spatial dependence models have received a lot of attention in
                  lattice data: the spatial autoregressive (SAR) dependent variable model and
                  the spatial autoregressive error model (SAE, where the model error is a SAR),
                  which extend regression in time series to spatial data.
                     In a in theoretical point of view, various linear spatial regression SAR and
                  SAE models, their identification and estimation methods by the two stage least
                  squares (2SLS), the three stage least squares (3SLS), the maximum likelihood
                  (ML)  or  quasi-maximum  likelihood  (QML)  and  the  generalized  method  of
                  moments (GMM) methods have been developed and summarized by many
                  authors, such as Anselin (1988), Kelejian and Prucha (1999), Conley (1999), Lee
                  (2004), Garthoff and Otto (2017). Nonlinearity into the field of spatial linear
                  lattice  models  have  less  attention,  see  for  instance  Robinson  (2011)  who
                  generalized the kernel regression estimation to spatial lattice data. Su (2012)
                  proposed a semiparametric GMM estimation for some semiparametric SAR
                  models.  Extending  these  models  and  methods  to  discrete  choice  spatial
                  models have less attention, only a few number of papers were concerned in
                  recent years. This may be, as pointed out by Fleming (2004), due to the "added
                  complexity that spatial dependence introduces into discrete choice models".
                  Estimating the model parameters with a full ML approach in spatial discrete
                  choice  models,  often  requires  solving  a  very  computationally  demanding
                  problem of n-dimensional integration, where n is the sample size.
                     As for linear models many discrete choice models are fully linear and make
                  use of a continuous latent variable, see for instance Smirnov (2010) and Wang
                  et al. (2013) that proposed pseudo ML methods and Pinkse and Slade (1998)
                  who studied a method based on GMM approach.
                      When  the  relationship  between  the  discrete  choice  variable  and  some
                  explanatory variables is not linear, then a semiparametric model may be an
                  alternative  to  fully  parametric  models.  This  kind  of  models  is  known  in
                  literature as partially linear choice spatial models and is the baseline of this
                  current work. When the data are independent, these choice models can be
                  viewed as particular cases of the famous generalized additive models (Hastie
                  and Tibshirani, 1990) and have received a lot of attention in the literature,
                  various methods of estimation have been explored (see for instance Severini
                  and Staniswalis, 1994; Carroll et al., 1997).
                      To the best of our knowledge, semiparametric spatial choice models, have
                  not yet been investigated in a theoretical point of view. To fill in this gap, this
                  work  addresses  a  SAE  spatial  probit  model  when  the  spatial  dependence
                  structure is integrated in a disturbance term of the studied model. We propose
                  a semiparametric estimation method combining the GMM approach and the
                  weighted likelihood method. It consists to first fix the parametric components

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