Page 447 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 447

STS555 Mohamed Salem Ahmed et al.

                         Generalized partially linear spatial probit models
                                         and applications
                  Mohamed Salem Ahmed , Sophie Dabo-Niang , Michael Genin
                             1 University of Lille, laboratory CERIM, EA 2694, France
                     2 Laboratory LEM-CNRS 9221, University of Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
                                  3 INRIA Lille Nord-Europe, MODAL-Team

            Generalized partially linear probit regression model for spatially dependent
            data  is  considered.  Conditional  heteroscedasticity  and  non-identically
            distributed observations and a linear process for disturbances are assumed
            allowing various spatial dependencies. The estimation procedure proposed
            combines  a  weighted  likelihood  and  a  generalized  method  of  moments.
            Consistency  of  the  parametric  and  non-parametric  components  estimators
            and asymptotic normality results are established under sufficient conditions.
            Numerical  experiments  including  real  economic  and  environmental  data
            applications to investigate the finite sample performance of the estimators are

            spatial data; probit models; generalized partially linear models; non-

            1.  Introduction
                Agriculture,  economics,  environmental  sciences,  urban  systems,
            epidemiology activities are of-ten located in space. Therefore, modeling such
            activities requires to find a kind of correlation between some random variables
            in one location with others at neighboring locations, see for instance Pinkse
            and Slade (1998). This is a significant feature of spatial data analysis. Spatial
            econometrics/statistics provides tools to solve such modeling. A lot of studies
            on spatial effects in statistics and econometrics in many divers models have
            been  published;  see  Anselin  (1988),  Cressie  (1993)  and  Arbia  (2006)  for  a
                Two main ways of incorporating the spatial dependence structure can be
            distinguished  basically  for  geostatistics  and  lattice  data.  In  the  domain  of
            geostatistics, the spatial location is valued in a continuous set of R , N ≥ 2.
            However,  for  many  activities,  the  spatial  index  or  location  does  not  vary
            continuously and may be of the lattice type, the baseline of this current work.
            This is, for instance, the case in a number of problems. In images analysis,
            remote sensing form satellites, agriculture and so one, data are often received
            as regular lattice and identified as the centroids of square pixels, whereas a

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