Page 161 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 161

STS577 Md. Sabiruzzaman et al.

                         Perfection of volatility prediction with time scale

                            information using wavelet transformation
                                Md. Sabiruzzaman, Md. Kamrul Islam
                               Department of Statistics, University of Rajshahi

            Volatility  of  stock  market  returns  is  one  of  the  major  concerns  among
            investors,  industrialists  and  policymakers.  GARCH  family  model  is  a  very
            popular tool for describing existence of volatility clustering in such time series
            data.  However,  it  lacks  from  interpreting  time-scale  variation  that  is  an
            important  issue  for  different  levels  of  investors.  An  efficient  way  of
            representing a  time series with such complex dynamic is given by wavelet
            methodology. With the help of a wavelet basis, the Maximal Overlap Discrete
            Wavelet Transform (MODWT) is able to break a time series with respect to a
            time  scale  while  preserving  the  time  dimension  and  energy.  Time  scale
            specification information is necessary if one accepts the view that stock market
            consist of heterogeneous investors operating at different time scales. In that
            case, considerable more insight in to the volatility dynamic can be gained by
            looking at the data at several time scales. Wavelet transformations are also
            fast to calculate and are ideally suited for analyzing large data set. This paper
            provides  an  improved  alternative  to  the  classical  econometric  tools  in  the
            financial markets prediction. Forecasting stock market volatility with wavelet
            analysis is the central element of this paper. A novel algorithm, where wavelet
            transformation is incorporated to an econometric model, is implemented in
            order to improve the performance of volatility prediction. On the analyzed
            data we showed that our forecasting algorithm has achieved better results
            compared with the approach which not using the wavelet transform.

            Volatility prediction; Wavelet transformation; Time scale variation; Stock index

            1.  Introduction
                In the financial domain of stock market estimation, prediction of the risk
            of holding assets is a challenging job. In stock market, there are different level
            of  investors  who  are  concerned  about  the  market  series  and  volatility  on
            different time horizon. Therefore, the researcher pays much attention to give
            proper information for the different level of investors. They need more time to
            collect and analyze the data at different time horizon. For  example, if one
            wants to estimate the risk for daily, weekly and monthly investor. And he has
            a daily data, when the return interval is increased in a given sample period, the
            number of sample points will decrease which result in loss of information. It is

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